Result Changes
There are times when a clinician will place an order for multiple test codes and the results do not always come in at the same time. A checkbox ‘Require manual reconciliation if more than 1 test code on the order set’ has been added. When this is checked a result will not automatically be marked as Result Received and will have to be manually checked by a user. This will allow the order to stay in the Orders Without Results widget even when a result is linked.
A user can manually check the ‘Results Received’ checkbox on the Order tab of the Order or by right clicking on the item in the chart tree and selecting ‘Mark Results Received’.
By default until an order is marked Results Received it will show in the chart in green font for 60 days. Once the flag is set to Results Received the order will show in black. If a practice wishes the order to show in green longer, there is a Global Setting allowing a practice to show orders in green longer than their desired amount of days.
This information has also been updated in the Order Sets: Result Types feature brief.