Confidential Family History Items
Users can now mark Family History items as confidential. When an item is marked confidential, it will not be included in Word Merges, such as when a Medical Summary item is marked confidential.
Users can now mark Family History items as confidential. When an item is marked confidential, it will not be included in Word Merges, such as when a Medical Summary item is marked confidential.
A new Standard Preference, 'Restrict the Ability to Change Provider/Department,' has been added under the 'Chart' category.
When enabled, the users within the role cannot edit the Provider on the Appointment Chart Item and will not see the 'Change Provider/Department' option when they right-click on an appointment.
Within a patient note, users can change a required field to make it no longer required.
Within Standard Preferences > Notes, a practice can restrict a role's ability to change the required field.
The ‘Problem Status’ feature has been extended from the Patient Card to the Medical History Control, ICD Summary Widget, and ICD Summary popup. Users can now add and view problem status notes and the history of status changes.
Medical History Control:
ICD Summary Chart Widget:
ICD Summary Popup:
TriMed offers a BPRangeCPT function on the Blood Pressure vital control where the system calculates the appropriate CPTII for both the Systolic and Diastolic values.
3074F: Value 0-129
3075F: Value 120-139
3077F: Value 140+
3078F: Value 0-79
3079F: Value 80-89
3080F: Value 90+
If a patient has multiple BP readings in a single encounter, the CPTII code should pull the lowest systolic and diastolic values so the practice can get the best credit for the patient's measurement.
11:00 AM BP: 150/110 - Patient has just walked three flights of stairs to get to the clinic:
Viewing the Superbill shows CPTII codes 3077F and 3080F:
11:20 AM BP: 120/80 - Patient has had time to relax, and the nurse retakes the measurement:
Viewing the Superbill now shows CPTII codes 3074F and 3079F:
Within the Assessment & Plan control on the 'Patient' tab, the system now displays the Last Billed Date of the patient's ICDs.
If the ICD was billed within the last 12 months, the label will appear in grey italicized font.
If the ICD was billed within the last 12-18 months, the label will appear in red italicized font.
This feature can be disabled by clicking 'Settings' and checking 'Hide Last Billed Date.'
Practices can configure a default footer for note templates within the system. The footer is appended with the latest information when a note is signed. During any subsequent review, the footer is updated to reflect the most recent data. The footer includes details about who signed or reviewed the note and the date/time of the action.
Note Footers can be set up within Admin > System Setup > Lookup Lists > Note Footer. Select the Template Type from the dropdown, enter the message in the provided text box, and click the save icon to save the lookup item.
Template: If 'All' is selected, the footer will be applied to all note templates for the selected Template Type. If a specific template is selected from the dropdown, the footer will only be applied to that selected note template.
Message: Within the multiline text box, the practice has to configure the footer text body using the following format: ##**Prefix**@InitialSigner@**Suffix**##. While the prefix and suffix text can be customized as needed, the action type (e.g., **@InitialSigner@**, **@AllSigners@**, **@SubsequentSigners@**, **@LastSigner@**, **@Reviewers@**, **@ReopenActivity@**) cannot be changed.
Sample Setup:
Sample Output:
A new home page widget type called 'Practice Widget Review' has been created. This widget allows administrators to view all unsigned chart items (notes, immunizations, results, injections, documents, orders, prescriptions, portal messages, etc.) either practice-wide or limited to select Provider(s) and/or Department(s). Like other widgets, it shows data from the last 60 days.
When the patient completes the Check-In process, a final page with a summary is displayed. That screen automatically logs out in 30 seconds by default, but this can be changed within Check-In Admin > Site Setup.
A new checkbox, ‘Create Open Slot for Current Provider,’ has been added to the 'Change Provider/Department' popup.
When checked, the appointment will be moved, and a new appointment slot will be inserted in the original provider's schedule with the same details as the original row (Start Time, Provider, Visit Type, Slot Length, Department).