Portal Growth Chart Quick Links
Practices can now add Growth Charts as a Quick Link in Patient Portal.
The ‘Add QuickLink’ button opens the ‘New Growth Chart QuickLink’ page. Enter a custom name in the ‘Name’ text field, select the desired ‘Location in Portal’ to display in the UI, and click ‘Save’ to create the QuickLink.
When the Growth Chart Quick Link is clicked from the left menu or dashboard 'Quick Links' section, if the portal account has multiple patients, a ‘Download Growth Chart PDF’ popup will appear, listing patient names with checkboxes. Users must select the patient for whom they wish to download the Growth Chart.
If the patient portal has only one patient, the ‘Download Growth Chart PDF’ popup will display only the message: ‘Do you want to download the Growth Chart as a PDF now?’ Click the ‘Download’ button to download the Growth Chart PDF.
Once downloaded, a popup notifies users with ‘Growth Chart PDF(s) Downloaded.’