PM Version 22.1.77 Release Notes
Statement Preview
This feature allows statements to be reviewed before the patients receive them.
In the Statement Preview screen, the statement can be put on hold for a certain number of days using the “Set Hold Date” button, account balances can be adjusted using the “Credit Post” button, mailing options can be reviewed in Patient Registration using the “Registration” button and transactions can quickly be viewed in Patient Inquiry using the “Inquiry” button.
How to Run
Setup Preview Template
- Create a template for your Statement Review
- Select the Monthly Template and then select the “Save As” and rename the temple to “Review Monthly Stmt”
- Go to the Statement tab, Special Handling section and select the checkbox “Preview Mode”.
- Select the Template tab again and hit the “Save” button
Statement Preview Screen
- Run the Review Statement template prior to your monthly statement run. Run it as close to the statement process date so the same patients will be found. The statement review run can also be scheduled.
- To review your statements, go to the Statement Menu and select the “Statement Preview” menu item.
- The top portion of the screen is a table of preview runs performed within the displayed date range. By default, the date is the last 14 days.
- The table will show the number of statements, the number on hold in that run and the total balance. It also includes the total that will be sent by email, text and total online.
- The lower table will show all statements in the run along with the patient balance and statement aging,
- To view a statement, select a row, then hit the “View” button.
- Additional options include going to the Inquiry screen, Patient Registration - Family tab, Credit Posting and the ability to print the statement.
- In reviewing the statements, the table columns can be sorted by clicking on a column heading field (i.e. patient balance)
Hold a statement - If one or more statements need to be put on hold, enter in a hold date and select “Set Hold Date”
Remove Hold - If one or more statements need to be removed from hold, select the rows and hit the “Remove Hold” button
Additional Diagnosis on Statement: In the statement control you can now select to include 3 additional diagnoses to print on the statement.
Patient Insurance: A warning message will appear when adding an insurance plan to a patient where the insurance plan and policy number match an existing insurance plan and policy number on the account.
Report Builder and tracking of Insurance underpayments: Under the Category “Charges” and Template “Mismatched Allowed Amounts”, there is now a new library report for tracking Underpayments on the left-hand side called “Mismatched Allowed Amounts”.
Inquiry: The Date entered field now includes the time the transaction was entered. The entered date time field is also on the charge and payment detail screen.
Claim Selection Window - Print Claim: To view the claim, you can now print a hardcopy by using the “Print Claim” button after selecting the claim row.
Insurance Collection enhancement: Denied claims, with insurance remaining transactions, that are marked paid but do not have a denial/reason code will be added into collections. The claim added will be based on the current rank billed of the charges.
For example, if we have a patient that has both Rank 1 and Rank 2 insurance and both primary and secondary have been billed and marked paid, and neither claim has a denial code, the secondary claim will be put in collections. If there is only a rank 1 insurance the primary claim will be put into collections.
To track these specific claims in a separate Cycle/Pool, create a starting cycle called “Denied Claims”. If this Cycle does not exist, the claims will fall into the starting cycle based on the Financial Class.
Prior to this enhancement, paid insurance claims with insurance remaining balances would only fall into collections if there was a denial/reason code on the claim that is setup to fall into collections.
The collection note will now indicate why the claim was added to collections.
Added to collections: Unpaid claim and older than delinquent days'
Added to collections: Paid claim with insurance remaining amount',
Added to collections: Paid claim with collection denial code'
Collection Workscreen
The total transaction remaining amount will now show in the Collection Workscreen next to the “Count” column for both Patient and Insurance Collection Pools. The grand total amount will show in the top right section next to the count for all Collection Pools.
Remit File Name in Remit Workscreen
If the remit file is split by Check number,, the displayed name of the file in the Remit Workscreen will include the amount of the check. The dollar amount will be preceded by the “Amt-” The decimal will be replaced by a “-”
File Format Name
- 20 characters or less of the Insurance Plan name
- Provider number
- Check number
- Check Amount
- downloaded file
- A number to keep the file name unique
***Example file where the check amount is for 1497.91
BCBS OF NC_1306344704_202307271580010400_Amt-1497-91_042623-042739_1.chck
Patient Codes
When a patient code is added the date and user is displayed on roll-over in the screens where the patient code is displayed
Patient Appointment Supplemental
The Historian can now be emailed or sent a text message from the Appointment supplemental window. To send a text use the phone icon to the left of the cell number and to email use click on the email address.