PM Changes V22.1.87
- Ability to save a default post date for a remit file: Once a post date is stored with an ERA file, the post date will automatically pull into the post date field when the file is selected for processing. To set the post date, select one or more files and hit the button “Set Post Date." To clear the date, click the “Remove Post Date” button after selecting the file. The post date will be displayed in the grid.
- Ability to save a Note with a remit file: Select the file and click the “Note” button. The column will indicate ‘Y’ if there is a note associated with the EHR file.
Remit Workscreen:
- Ability to save or view a Note stored with a remit file: Select the file and click the “Note” button. The note button will turn yellow if there is a note associated with it.
Statement Preview:
- Viewing Reports that have been run under Billing->Reports->Scheduled: If a statement was marked as “Preview” run, "(Preview)" will be added to the Type column.
Collection Workscreen:
- If a patient or claim is moved to a new cycle and cycle step, the collection note will indicate both the cycle name and step name.
Credit Posting - Patient Payment - Isolating a single date of Service: If a user is posting a patient payment to a single date of service, enter the date in the date field (previously called “claim date”) and select the radio button “Patient,” “All,” or "All Open” to isolate out that specific date of service. This allows the payment audits to be applied to the charges displayed. This is important if posting a $0 patient payment to a single date of service. If the date is not initially entered and there are multiple dates of service displayed, enter that specific date in the date field and re-select the radio button to have the screen refresh. This will display only the entered date of service.
Patient Communications; View Messages/Responses; Counts displayed of “Needs Response” and “Responses”: On the right side of the window, there is now an indicator showing the number of displayed messages that were sent out with a “Yes”' indicator for “Needs Response,” and also the number of messages that currently have responses.
In the window below, it is showing only Appointment Text messages that were sent out today and still need responses and the number of patients who have currently responded to those messages.
Report Builder - Date filter default: On reports that have a date filter with a date entered and also an offset is displayed (possibly pulling from a saved report), the offset will be ignored and the date will be used. There is now also a right click selection on the offset to “Clear” the field.