PM Changes V22.1.85
Charge Posting: The visit type is now displayed on the right side below the Aftercare field for superbills created in the EHR and posted in the Charge Posting Interface.
Company Icons: Under Billing->Patient Communications, there is a new menu item that allows your practice to upload (Add button) company logos that can be used in email templates.
Once images are stored in the cloud, use the “Copy URL” button to save the URL to the clipboard. In the email template (Patient Communications->Email Templates), position the cursor in the heading of the email, then select the Image icon and paste (Ctrl V) the URL into the image URL field.
Statement Hold date can be viewed/modified in the Patient Registration/Guarantor tab: The statement preview feature (Billing->Statements->Statement Preview) allows users to preview their next statement run and put a hold date on selected guarantors. If a guarantor is on hold, no statement will be generated for that patient until that date has passed. The Statement Hold date can be cleared in the Statement Preview window and can also be viewed or modified by selecting the “Hold button” in the “Send Statement to” section.
Statement Hold date (and other statement information) is viewable on the guarantor tab of Inquiry, Patient Appt Info, and Collections on the right side.
Report Builder: There is a new report to see all Families/Patients currently on Hold. It is in the category “Patient List” Template: Patient Report: “Statements Currently on Hold." In the filter list on the bottom, there is a filter for Stmt Hold with the option set to “Currently on Hold." This means that the hold date is greater than or equal to today. To see all hold dates, select the “All” option.
Charge Detail Audit: The audit on a charge posted through the Charge Posting Interface will now have the indicator “(CPI)” on the audit line.