Medical History Controls on SubNote Merge
Typically, the Medical History controls are included on every note, allowing providers to review the patient's information, but this information does not usually change from visit to visit.
The Medical Summary controls can now be used in SubNote Merge to save space on a note, similar to how many clients have Birth History on their younger Well Check templates.
Start by creating a Subnote Template.
Then, on the Note Template, create a blue box that is linked to the Medical History Subnote.
On the Patient Note, users can view the medical history information in the blue box and modify it by clicking the blue box to open the Subnote.
Note: To prevent items marked as Confidential from showing on a Word merge, the data will not show in the blue box but instead will show, 'Some items may have been excluded from the view.'The user must click and open the blue box to see the confidential chart items.