2 years ago
Latest PM Updates
- Collection Workscreen - A provider sort has been added to both the Insurance and patient collection workscreen. In the view pool there is now also a column displaying the provider name. The default sort for each pool is set up in Pool FM so that is what is displayed for each pool/sort in the Workscreen. To use the provider sort, if on the fly, select the Pool to work and then change the sort.
- Reports - Patient Panel - Now allows for 5 characters in the Age From and Age Through
- Document Merge - Input list feature to allow for 1 patient per family mode
- Remittance - These 4 “INFO” Messages below were switched from INFO to INFO-excp. This will allow them to come in as “not finished”. To work the “INFO-excp” messages - Sort them by selecting the column header. To mark more than one fixed, select any number of rows then right mouse to mark "FIXED" or "UN-fixed"
Switched to info-excp:
"***INFO-excp: Insurance not found in Database - assuming patient's primary coverage",
"***INFO-excp: Patient's alternate coverage - No Adj posted",
"***INFO-excp: Recoupment - No Pymt or Adj posted",
"***INFO-excp: Negative Adjustment Posted; EOB indicates negative non-allowed",