Family Search Screen
The ‘Family Search’ screen under ‘Chart Find’ now includes additional options for finding family details associated with patients.
Name: Enter a name associated with the Guarantor and Portal accounts.
Phone: Enter a phone number associated with the Guarantor and Portal accounts.
Patient Name: Enter a patient name to see the associated Guarantor and Portal accounts.
Patient DOB: When DOB is entered, the system will return the associated family with matching patient information.
Family DOB: This field will return only the associated Guarantor account.
Email: This field searches and returns any of the following:
- Any family with a family email matching the one entered
- Any family with a portal account with an email matching the one entered
- Any family with a portal account username that matches the email entered
User Name: When entered, the system will return the associated Portal account.
Active Dropdown: By default, the system only shows active families but can filter ‘Inactive’ and ‘Test’ patients.