Booking Appts With a Visit Length Longer than the Slot
Oftentimes when practices know why a patient is scheduling a visit they can determine roughly how much time the doctor will spend with the patient. To accommodate different visit lengths, each Visit Type is set up with a time length. When the provider’s schedule is built out, it consists of ideal Visit Types throughout the day. In the case that a user needs to override a Visit Type on a provider’s schedule, for example in order to accommodate an ADHD patient when no more ADHD slots are available on the schedule, they can do so. If the user replaced a Visit Type that can be completed in about 10 mins with a Visit Type that takes more like 30 mins to complete this can potentially put the provider behind for the rest of the day. When booking an appointment in which the length of the Visit Type is longer than the Slot Length on the schedule the system will use logic to determine how to make up for the lost time.