Problem List Auto Add
Instead of prompting a user to save a diagnosis to the medical summary when they Complete a note the system now has the ability to automatically add diagnosis codes to the ICD Summary Problem List.
Within Global Settings a new option has been added called 'Auto-Add ICD Summary Picklist Items to ICD Summary' along with a multi-select field to choose which statuses to consider.
The ICDs that will be considered for auto-add can be set up within Chart Header Template Admin under the various statuses:
Then, when a Superbill is created and signed the system will check to see if any of the diagnosis codes from the Superbill are included in the ICD Summary Chart Header Templates for the selected Status(es), but is not already apart of the ICD Summary for the patient. If yes, then the system will automatically add the ICD to the Problem List with the status that the ICD is included on.
For example, The diagnosis Anemia (D64.9) was placed on an Order, and subsequently is included on the Superbill. Anemia (D64.9) is also set as a Chart Header Template for Chronic and the patient does not already have the ICD on their Problem List. Then, when the Superbill is Signed the ICD and Description will be added to the patient's problem list automatically.