Is advertising a true art form, or merely a means of deceiving people?
Since the day I started studying advertising, I have thought a lot about these two options, and my ideas have changed constantly. But over the years, I’ve realized that you can sell a very bad product in high volumes with good advertising.
On the contrary, you can get frustrated about selling when a very good product is not promoted well.
Of course, I assume your SaaS product is a good one, and I can assure you that you need a good product launch campaign!
To increase the sustainability, reliability, and demand rate of buying, all you need is a professionally designed, powerful, and effective product launch campaign. Knowing and applying all the launching steps and the right marketing strategy will boost your product and enable you to do a lucrative business.
Let’s look at the general information and the stages in detail!
What is a Product Launch Campaign?
A product launch campaign is the beginning of your product’s journey. During the initial stages of development, your product is seen in the market, mentioned, and demanded by the people.
The product launch campaign sets the groundwork for your product’s healthy sales. It’s a planned effort to bring new development to market. The fundamental aim is to ensure that everyone, including your partners and your target customers, is aware of your new product.
You prepare your product for the future as if you were raising a small baby! How you create your product launch campaign definitely affects your product’s present and future.
Why Prepare a Product Launch Campaign?
There are several reasons to prepare a product launch plan. Still, one of the main reasons is that the product launch campaign ensures that customers adopt your new product from the start of the launch and establish a healthy bond of trust with your product.
You need a communication process that will increase the supply-demand ratio.
A product launch campaign helps both your company’s employees and target buyers stay connected to the product you’re launching.
Product Launch Campaign Steps
Pre-launch marketing is essential to building your community, your brand, and your marketing plan.
A pre-launch is a chance for you to solve the problems with your product.
You need to ask lots of questions before introducing the product to everyone. Your product should create anticipation and excitement in the customer’s mind. By considering the answers and reactions, you should improve your product and make it suitable to develop its best version.
How to create the product pre-launch step in the most efficient way?
There are several options you can do to make a brilliant pre-launch campaign. You should analyze and determine some strategies to successfully maintain your pre-launch. Shall we start?
1. Promotional Materials
You need to collect some promotional materials to write about you and your new product. Good marketing with the details of your company and high-quality content increases your chances to gain publicity. You can include;
- Strong company background
- Information related to your team that tells about their current roles in the company and fields of expertise
- Explanation of what makes your products different from the competitors
- Product images and key features
- Brand logo
- Valuable and unique content
2. Coming Soon Page

Setting up a good coming soon landing page is one of the key things you can use to get your pre-launch process off the ground and ensure a positive product launch campaign in the long run.
Marketing doesn’t start when you launch your product, it starts long before you ever get to your first sale. It starts with a good coming page as a pre-launch marketing strategy.
3. Early Access and Waitlist

The call-to-action to “get early access” or “join the waitlist” add value to your launch and a sense of urgency to your audience, particularly for early adopters.
Making the customer feel special is a beneficial technique for a successful pre-launch. You can provide access to the product’s beta version by choosing a limited group of people from the target customers you want to advertise the product and giving them the privilege to use it without anyone else.
This method gives users the feeling that they might miss something. Show your product is valuable. Before your product comes out, people will have a certain expectation. You don’t want this expectation to come to naught, do you? Focus on perfecting your product until the actual release date!
4. Communities
Whom will you trust to spread your product? Partners for your product’s journey will decide many details about the future of it; the selling rates, recognitional level, authenticity, etc.
But it wouldn’t be bad if someone from the outside worked for you. Once you have a community, all questions and answers can be handled without you being involved. Having an effective community also increases the likelihood that your members will advertise your product.
You can create communities, forums, third-party marketplaces, etc. for this purpose.
5. Checklist

Preparing a checklist will be helpful to maintain the process with the highest concentration.
Managing the pre-launch period, which is a comprehensive process, is also very important to fulfill these steps. That’s why we ensure that the whole team stays up to date and everything goes well, with different advertisements and a regular checklist table to monitor that all steps are working correctly.

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6. Media Outreach
How people will talk about your product is the most significant thing for you and your product. Throughout the product launch campaign, you are trying to put your product in a precious place in the customer’s eyes. Your media outreach strategy will be a personal impact on your product’s advertisement.
So, you need to simply put your story in front of people who have a platform to tell it to your target audience. It is the best way to brand yourself. In fact, the goal of media outreach is to earn coverage which in turn can support your product launch campaign to go another level.
This can be done through interviews, YouTube videos, or podcasts.
7. Placement

Knowing how to market your product to meet your target buyers is a vital pre-launch process. What mediums are your target buyers using to research a product? Where you will meet your product with your target customers? You should decide where to advertise after the medium options you have determined.
Social media, web blogs, Youtube, and traditional channels are some of the best options to reach your target customers.
In order to reach the right users on the right platforms, you should segment your target audience. When you segment it, you will know the specific characteristics of each group. Thus, you will find out on which platforms you can reach your potential customers.
Even if you have set up a very good campaign, you may not get the results you want if you do not use the right language and the right platform. You better care about segmentation.
The launch is the time when all those people will meet your product. Every pre-launch step will be shaping your launch. You run for visibility during your pre-launch process. In this period, which is shorter than the pre-launch process, you will see how your effort is welcomed.
How do you create the product launch step in the most efficient way?
1. The path decides the quality
In the pre-launch step, you consider the proper channels by which you will launch your product. “The more channels or mediums I prefer, the more of my product I will deliver to people” harms the development and undermines the marketing process.
Delivering it to the designated recipients through a particular channel helps you pass the launching process most effectively. Thus, you will once again show both the quality and reliability of the product.
2. This is the most crucial moment for you
You can organize this critical moment to create the same feeling in everyone. Even if you do not hold a live event, you can arouse excitement with video content, webinar, or live question-and-answer organizations on social media. Show everyone again that the product you introduced during the pre-launch period and got people talking about is fascinating.
3. Sisters and brothers come first
You should never forget the importance of your team.
Especially during the launch period, you can come up with new solutions and keep the whole situation under control with the follow-up and suggestions of the sales team, because you may need to make improvements when some things do not go as you expected.
This allows you to provide an even more effective launch campaign process and achieve your goals.
You want to send product launch mail to your users, but you are not sure what language you should use? Great templates are waiting for you in this article. If you want, choose one and apply it immediately or adapt it to your own product as you wish.
Post-launch, the last stage of the whole process refers to the stage after launching the product. It is the most critical step where you collect your data and keep your eyes open to ensure the continuity of the product. Your product still needs to be sustained and evolved with the help of the customer feedback and data you get.
How to create the product post-launch step in the most efficient way?
1. Consistency
You reached people and got an interest in your product. Now you should focus on whether they will still be content with your product and how many new people are demanding your product. Make sure about your customers’ welfare about your product.
2. Check your data
Not only your marketing activities but also your customer’s experience data is critical for you. Follow the recent data and be aware of your customer’s activities. Check the customers who merely tried the free trial or look at the acquisition and adaptation rates of the customers.
Data always gives you insights for your next move. Setting your route without insights is like walking through a dark cave. When you start to interpret and use your data effectively, then everything will be bright!
3. Enhance your audience
You can send them nurturing emails, give extra days for free trials, meet them with product-focused meetings like webinars or online live conferences so that you will protect your customers and ensure that old customers influence new customers, and your strategy leads to newcomers.
The product launch campaign is a requirement, not an option.
To preserve and encourage your product’s unique effect on the business, the fundamental source which will protect and increase your product’s quality and selling rate is a well-designed product launch campaign. Making a product launch campaign for your product will get you several steps ahead.
Use the product launch campaign strategies I mentioned and have a great promotion process. I have no doubt that you will make your name mentioned!
Cover image credit to Bahareh Okhravi

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