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The All-In-One Toolkit for Mobile App Launch & Update Announcements

Save months of work. Don't reinvent the wheel.

Dedicated release notes page
One-time Easy Setup

Get started quickly with a one-time SDK setup into your mobile app; minimal dev time required.

Dedicated release notes page
Advanced Web Dashboard

Configure the branding look, manage announcements, and get useful insights. No need for app update, no coding is required.

Slack Channel Notifications
User Segmentation

Use advanced targeting conditions to reach users at the right moment.

Email notifications
Instant Feedback

Get in-context feedback and insights you need to improve your product.

And many more powerful features

Custom Host SetupCustom Host Setup
Custom CSSCustom CSS
Advanced IntegrationsAdvanced Integrations
Email NotificationsEmail Notifications
Private FeedPrivate Feed
User SegmentationUser Segmentation
User TrackingUser Tracking
Schedule postSchedule post
Post PinningPost Pinning
Team Management  SSOTeam Management SSO

See all features and plans


A release note is a technical document that outlines changes of a product such as a feature update, bug fix, and distributed among the stakeholders to keep everyone on track. Product release notes are a communication channel with your customers.

Can I display specific product updates only to a specific user group?

Yes, you can divide your audience into groups based on properties. By using the AnnounceKit user segmentation feature, you can send your product announcements to the most relevant users.

Is it possible to know whether the users see and read published release notes?

Yes, by enabling the user tracking feature, you can track user activities. Additionally, you can send this data to your active CRM platforms to have better insights!

Are there any limitations on a number of monthly active tracked users?

No, we don't have any limits on monthly active or tracked users. You can have all of your users on any paid plan.

Can I create release notes in multiple languages?

Yes, AnnounceKit supports more than 10 languages. If you have an international audience, you can deliver a better experience by localizing your posts!

Get Started for free with AnnounceKit!

Inform your users about product updates and increase feature awareness.