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Visible was struggling to promote their work and log new product features to their wide range of customers. When they met AnnounceKit, it has become their customers’ source of truth for new feature launches.

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Computer Software

Chicago, Illinois

Features Used
Standalone Feed
Intercom Integration

Founded in 2014, Visible was launched by a group of founders and operators that had been struggling with the vexing problem of startups providing engaging updates to their investors.

Visible is an investor reporting platform used by company founders across the globe. It allows you to update investors, raise capital, and track metrics from a single platform. By doing so, you can wow your investors with professional updates that combine key business data with narrative insight. It leverages and engages your existing investors, finds new investors, and nurtures potential investors.

The Challenge

Visible has a wide range of customers, over 4,300 companies across six continents. In these circumstances, their product team was consistently shipping new features to improve their product, but they struggled to stay on top of these new features and promote their announcements properly.

We saw that customers were asking for a feature that already existed, so we knew we needed to do a better job promoting our work

Matt Preuss, Marketing Operations Manager at Visible

Matt Preuss, Marketing Operations Manager at Visible, says that their customers sometimes couldn’t find an existing feature, so they had to ask for it. It may be time and effort wasting to discuss these matters. At this point, “We understand that we needed to find a solution to promote our work.” says Matt.

They looked at a few other tools and played around with different email campaigns, support articles, blog posts, etc. to announce their new features. However, eventually decided on AnnounceKit.

The Solution

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Now they are using AnnounceKit to promote their work and new product updates. “We were trying to find a better way to log new product features for our customers. AnnounceKit helps us to do it.” says Matt.

Visible started to save time and effort with AnnounceKit’s solutions for release notes andthey have found a proven workflow for promoting their updates with AnnounceKit. Now that they log every new update to their feed, customers no more need to ask for already existing features.

AnnounceKit has become Visible customers’ source of truth for new feature launches

Matt Preuss, Marketing Operations Manager at Visible

They also find AnnounceKit’s system -feed, widgets, and integrations efficient for promoting a new product and helpful for new product adoption.

“AnnounceKit has been incredibly easy to use and get set up. It has turned into our customers’ source of truth for new feature launches.” says Matt.

The Result

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Visible has a brilliant newsfeed for product updates and continues promoting their work with various features of AnnounceKit for their customers.

They also use AnnounceKit and Intercom Integration to announce their new features to their visitors and lead them to their standalone feed page.

Try AnnounceKit on Your Site ๐Ÿš€

Inform your users about product updates and increase feature awareness.

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