The most powerful marketing results come from customers, especially in the SaaS industry. If the customers are content and fulfilled with the product, they are mostly willing to give testimonials. And these positive customer reviews are really good sources of marketing that leads the other customers to spend more on the product. Client testimonials are essential. For this reason, it is necessary to learn how to ask for testimonials from customers.
Customers trust testimonials. They believe that they are the true source for accurate information about the product. Especially in the SaaS business, customers rely on testimonials from other customers. So SaaS business owners should use these valuable insights from them. They should know how to prepare the best testimonial request templates including letters and forms that would attract the customers.
First of all what is actually a testimonial? It is basically a good or a bad review for a product that has been purchased. Testimonials are the written or recorded documents of this review. So that they can be used to be published. Asking for reviews is always a complicated job, but SaaS business owners can overcome it!

Why Should Customers Give Reviews?
These are the most important questions that SaaS business owners should ask themselves. It is the key concept before going into preparing the testimonial request forms. Because customers are not very keen on leaving a review themselves, even if they are well content with the product. So, the business owners should be able to reach out to them via some channels and convince them to share their testimonials.
How to Ask for Reviews?
How do you ask for a testimonial?
An analysis of the customer base for your business is the key to kick off your testimonial request template. It is better to think about the optimal time to ask the testimonials from your customer, considering the interaction they take with your product. Generally, the most preferred time is to ask the customers after the customer experiences the product. Because they would already try your product and they might be happy about the results. For SaaS companies, the best moment to ask for reviews is 30 days after the customer has started to engage with your product.
Another key factor is to determine if it is better to use automated requests or manual ones. You should give your customers a reason to be willing to give their testimonials. Customer time is valuable, so is your time. The reasons should state the benefits for both sides, for you and also for the customer.
Another key factor that we can highlight here is to keep questions simple and use open-ended ones. They should not be “Yes” or “No” questions though. Also, you should provide them with multiple options at their convenience.
Successful Testimonial Request Letter Template
1. Professional Style Testimonial Request Templates
If the target customers are accustomed to professional communication, it is better to use this type of professional approach when asking for reviews from the customers. Preferably the CEO of the company should be the one sending out these testimonial requests. The email should be personalized according to specific customers. The testimonial submission form should not be forgotten to include in the email!
“Subject: A thank you from our team
Hi ….,
I wanted to reach out to let you know that employing our product with your business has been a true pleasure. I completely appreciate you, your team, and your business.
Our success comes from reputable clients like you and we extremely value your opinion. I was wondering if you’d be willing to share your ideas on our product so that we can add it to our website.
You can access the testimonial survey and it will take about five minutes. Follow this link on mobile or laptop to reach the survey.
Again, it’s been a great pleasure working with you and your team.
Professional style testimonial requests work better when the customer has the experiences of your product, and they are still fresh in their mind. It is important to remember that convincing busy customers to give their valuable time to give their testimonials is the key. That is why this template works timely, professional, and also simple. It should explain what you plan to do with those testimonials you ask for, how to submit them, and how long it will take from the customer’s time.

2. Casual Conversation Style Testimonial Request Templates
If your company has been already engaging with the customers throughout the experience, this type of casual testimonial request template might be a better option. The person in your team that has been in touch with the customer should be provided with the link to the testimonial request form. You should prepare your team and equip them with the right tools for asking for a review. They should sense the right time to ask the customers and provide them with the necessary information.
“Subject: Thank you
Thanks for your kind words about our product, it’s been great pleasure working with you and your team as well.
This is certainly the perfect timing for us. At the moment we are gathering testimonials from our clients. I would love to feature your testimonials representing your company and your team! Here’s a link to our testimonial survey. This will take only about five minutes. But we’d really appreciate it. Feel free to share what you have in mind about our product.
Thanks again,”
3. Incentive-Based Testimonial Request Templates
This email should include an incentive that would trigger the customer to give their testimonial. Incentives could be anything ranging from gifts to discounts on products or services that you offer. In that way, you are encouraging the customers to give their valuable time to express their review by giving them a reward. Check this sample testimonial request template.
“Subject: Your free gift
I’ve got amazing news! We’re offering … month subscriptions completely free of charge!
You have been deliberately chosen for this deal. It is very straight-forward to get it and the whole process takes about five minutes of your time.
Following the steps, at the end you will reach automatically …. months free subscription added to your account. We’d like to hear back from you and use your … months free subscription.
This type of testimonial request template is very flexible and easy to do. The team will need CRM System integrations to update accounts automatically, or subscriptions can be filled by a customer service leader. This is an amazing way to ask for a review. Also, this provides you with the necessary engagement with your customers. Since the customers are busy, the incentive you offer in exchange for the testimonial will positively affect their decision on taking their time. Even this very conversational email with an incentive could be quite beneficial for your company.

4. Automated Post-Sale Testimonial Request Templates
This testimonial request template is especially great for both its timing and that it feels very natural. A follow-up reach to the customer right after a sale does not only feel very natural but also offers a nice opportunity to include the testimonial within your note. After the purchase is also probably the best time since the customer must be eagerly trying what they have bought, in case it is a product, or the experience is fresh in their minds, in case it is a service.
In such a way, you do not only accomplish multiple things with a single reach but also do not seem pushy when it comes to asking for reviews.
“Subject: Thanks for your purchase / How was your service?
Hi ….,
Thanks for your time on …., it was great working with you and I’m glad we could complete your project. If you have a few minutes today, we would love to get your feedback on your experience.
Follow this link to access the feedback form …… and leave your testimonial.
In the meantime, please reach out if you have any questions.
5. Another Post-Sale Testimonial Request Template for When There’s an Upsell
Again another testimonial request template featuring great timing. Why? Because if a customer comes back to buy more from you, it means you already have a place in their mind. More familiarity means more willingness to talk about you or help spread the word.
Therefore, right after an upsell is an opportunity not to go missing for both reinforcing an already positively-growing brand-customer relationship, but also get a nice review.
“Subject: Good to see you again
Hi ….,
We’re so glad that you’ve returned to our store to purchase ….. We appreciate our loyal customers, and we strive to give you a spectacular experience every time.
So, how did we do? We’d love to know what you liked about our store, or anything that we can do better. Visit this page …… to let us know in a short text statement or video.
Thank you!”

6. Since We’re Nearing the End of the Year: The End-of-Year Follow Up
Special days and holidays are terrific times for reaching out with a testimonial request template for customers, even future ones. No one would find it unusual to find a note in their inbox during holiday seasons, why not include a testimonial request in that? While people are in good spirits, try to have your share with the below template. Adjust accordingly for other times of the year.
“Subject: Happy Holidays!
Hi …..,
Happy Holidays!
As this year winds down, I wanted to say thank you for your partnership using ….. this year. You’ve achieved fantastic results in the time we’ve been working together, so I wanted to reach out to see if you’d be interested in sharing a testimonial about your experience using ….. You can click this link to share some of your thoughts that we might feature on our website.
Thanks for your consideration of my request, and thanks for being a loyal customer. I hope you have a warm and happy holiday season with family and friends, and I’m looking forward to chatting again in the new year!
Testimonials are Ways of Communication
Asking for a review is a two-way street. It is a way of communication with your clients. So think of yourself in their shoes, and think about what you would like to receive as a testimonial request. It will definitely depend on the communication type you have with your customers. You will need to customize and personalize the testimonial templates.
After successful consideration of which type or style you will write according to the communication type you have with your customer, you will write to them. And in return, you will receive testimonials in an effective way. In case you decide to use e-mails to communicate with your customers to get feedback, please do not forget about the importance of personalized emails.
In this post we addressed the ways for getting customer feedback, in ways that can be considered more common or slightly traditional. However, there is more to that! AnnounceKit is born out of this very need of getting creative with providing two-sided communication in the product management area. Feel free to check our page for our features that will encourage your customer base to give reviews in a seamless and effortless way.

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