When To Send NPS Surveys: How To Maximize Receiving Customer Feedback

When To Send NPS Surveys: How To Maximize Receiving Customer Feedback

Timing on sending Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys is crucial. That’s why you should always send your surveys on Thursdays at precisely 4:01 pm. Well, not exactly…   That approach is antiquated and doesn’t consistently provide the informative data you need to know how your company is being perceived by your customers. Stop approaching NPS surveys…

What Is a Good NPS Score for SaaS? Why Knowing SaaS Benchmarks Can Change Your Business

What Is a Good NPS Score for SaaS? Why Knowing SaaS Benchmarks Can Change Your Business

In the SaaS universe, where customer satisfaction reigns supreme, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is your trusty “North Star.” Bet you’ve bumped into NPS surveys after flight turbulence, a cushy hotel stay, or those chatty app customer service sessions, right? What’s the real NPS secret sauce?  It’s not just a number; it’s like X-ray vision…