Tarrasque.io v0.15.1
Hi everyone! It's been a quiet week but I'm hoping this was worth the wait! Enjoy!
- Introducing the Tarrasque.io Help Center! Full of tutorials, frequently asked questions, live chat and more! Check it out at https://tarrasque.io/help
- Added the 5e SRD compendium as an optional download on the Import modal. Check out the repository at https://github.com/tarrasqueio/dnd-5e-srd-compendium. You can use the examples here to create your own JSON/XML import files.
- Added the ability to ping a token by double-clicking it using the Select tool. You can now also do this via the token actions menu.
- Added footer links to the dashboard for the Changelog, Roadmap, and Help Center.
- Renamed the inconsistent "Token Style" and "Border Style" options to "Token Corners".
- Changed the Fog of War menu to always show on screen while the Hide or Reveal tools are selected.
- Made the Tags multi-select close when you select an option instead of staying open.
- Fixed an issue with zoom in/out changing the camera position to the top left.
- Fixed an issue with converting a player account into a DM account.