a year ago
Update of Ordrestyring Web 6. September 2023
- It's now possible to differentiate purchase accounts on invoice lines when creating an appendix if your system is integrated with e-conomic.
- It's now possible to see which group an employee is a part of within the user rights groups.
- Solved an issue where other expenses weren't a part of the calculations within the case finance widget.
- Solved an issue, where some users experienced the outbox loading and filtering very slowly.
- Solved an issue, where it wasn't possible to sort by credit notes within the inbox.
- Solved an issue, where it wasn't possible to move materials with negative amounts between cases.
- Solved an issue, where some users experienced errors when adding certain materials from Rackbeat to cases.
- Solved an issue, where the text was missing from the installation name when adding multiple installations to a service when creating a new one.
- Solved an issue, where users with access to employees but not salary, were able to access the data in the Quickview for employees.
- Solved an issue, where some users experienced occasionally that the total on the invoice wasn't identical to the total in the sum within Ordrestyring.
- Solved an issue, where it wasn't possible to sort the columns of materials within case materials.
- Solved an issue, where some users experienced not being able to assign a product catalog to a supplier.
- Solved an issue, where internal products were affected by markup range.