Let's boost your email deliverability 🚀

We just released a powerful feature called custom email domains! Now, your outgoing emails can be changed from ReferralCandy's default postman@candymail.com to your dedicated domain like referrals@yourstorename.com.

It consists of 2 quick steps: 1) verify sender email and 2) domain authentication.

What's in it for me?

  • Better email deliverability: domain authentication shows email providers like Gmail that the email sender is the owner of the domain. This makes it more likely that emails get to your recipient's inbox! 
  • More control over branding: the "via candymail.com" will no longer appear after you complete the 2nd step.

If you're a..

  • New merchant: we recommend setting this up before you launch your campaign.
  • Existing merchant: if you've already launched your campaign without custom email domains, you can always change the settings.
  • Merchant using Klaviyo or MailChimp: this won't affect you as you are not using ReferralCandy's default email provider.

Check out our help article for a step-by-step approach 🔗
(This feature is available only on our new dashboard. You can make the switch to the new dashboard here).