Bank feed Outage - Suncorp

Tuesday 4th April, 4pm - It looks like the issue hasn't been completly resolved. We have updated Suncorp and waiting on a fix. 


Most connections are restored successfully but we are still monitoring the connection. 


There looks to be an outage with Suncorp and their bank feeds. If your account has been disconnected and the bank feeds are not updating, please send the latest transactions in a CSV file to We can manually import the transactions so you can balance and roll end of month. 

Log into sunscorp online banking > select the trust account > click download transactions > file type is CSV > Date format as dd/mm/yyyy > All transactions > download. 

Service Issue: Outbound sending is delayed

Began: 16 Dec 17:33 UTC

We are still processing and sending emails, but with a large delay. We are working on ways to speed up the queues so that we can get through the email backlog as quickly as we can. We'll let you know as soon as we have additional updates to share.

2 hours ago

We're still working on getting through the sending queues. You may see a delay in events on the activity page while we try to speed up the queue sending process.

3 hours ago

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience as we work through these issues today. We are all hands on deck here, and we'll continue to post updates here.

We want to reiterate that we are sending email, but with significant delays due to an issue with one of our providers. We'll post updates as soon as we know more.

4 hours ago

Outbound sending is currently delayed due to an issue at a third party provider. 

NAB (Open Banking) - Outage confirmed

We are unable to retrieve any transactions after 13th Dec for any NAB customers. We have reported the outage to NAB who are investigating it with high priority. 

This outage only affects properties that have their NAB trust account linked via the Open Banking connection. 

We will continue to update this post with more information as it is received. 

Bank feed - Issue with retrieving transactions

Jobs not progressing past "in-progress"

Incident status: Monitoring

Thank you for your patience. Basiq have released a fix for the issue and are monitoring.

We will update you on root cause and any other actions needed.

Time posted

Dec 8, 11:30 AEDT

New incident: Investigating

Jobs are currently hanging on "in-progress" status on the "retrieve-transactions" step. Issue affects all data retrieval jobs.

The retrieve-accounts step is completing as normal and you will be able to fetch account-level data as normal; however, new transactions data will not be available.

We are investigating and will have an update shortly.

Channel Outage

We have noticed some channel outages which look to be due to a DNS failure. The issue has been identified and we are told a fix has been deployed. 

This outage impacts the following functions: 

  • Inventory and Rate updates from Resly are failing/not processing at the channels end. 
  • Bookings are being impacted as there is a delay in delivering them into Resly.  

Note: If you receive a booking confirmation from a channel via email and it is not in Resly, please enter the booking manually into Resly. 

[RESOLVED] Airbnb Outage

Airbnb ongoing issue have been resolved completely. Not only ARI is being pushed and updated successfully on Airbnb but we also now are able to fetch the listings successfully to map new listings.

Airbnb channel is now back to normal. As advised earlier, we are already pushing full sync for all the properties and now you are also good to proceed ahead with mapping the new listing to Airbnb as required.

Please note that no bookings from Airbnb is impacted. 


We have identified Airbnb are no longer processing requests from Resly. 

- Inventory, Rate and Restriction updates from Resly failed/not processed by Airbnb
- Content, unable to manage content/listings from Resly
- New mapping/connection service not available 

Our team has raised to Airbnb to resolve issue. We will keep you posted as heard back from channel.

Agoda Outage

We have encountered an error while posting updates to Agoda YCS. 

Updates are not passing through and we are receiving an error saying, - "Authentication failed: The supplied authentication is invalid" from Agoda.

We have checked the details on our side and issue tends to be at Agoda's end. We raised the issue overnight and are working with Agoda to get the connection live again. 

Agoda should be managed via their extranet manually until the connection is back. 

Bank Feed Outage *Resolved*

0953 21/12 We are aware of an outage currently affecting all of our bank connectors. Our partner Basiq is working on this outage with priority. 

1244 21/12 Basiq have found out what the problem was, the job queue was overloaded which slowed down the jobs from going through. They have added resources to solve this problem and you should be able to see an improvement within the next hour or so as we go through the backlog of jobs.

1436 21/12 Jobs still failing, bank feeds not updating and status showing 'in-progress'.

1729 21/12 Update. Jobs still failing. While fixing one problem this morning, it created new one, however this has now been identified and resolved and we can see jobs are going through successfully. Basiq's engineering team will keep monitoring over night however they are not expecting any further issues.

1947 21/12 There is a bit of a back log of jobs at the moment but Basiq believes it will clear in the next few hours.

2015 21/12 Basiq has successfully resolved the issue. We have tested a number of properties and everything is working as normal. Please click the 'refresh' button on your bank feed to see your latest transactions.

[FIXED] PayAdvantage Error

[UPDATE: 1:36pm] PayAdvantage advised the issue has now been fixed. Please email us if you are still having the issue.

We are aware of a PayAdvantage error - there team are working on it it and will update this thread once we hear back.