[RESOLVED] Airbnb Outage

Airbnb ongoing issue have been resolved completely. Not only ARI is being pushed and updated successfully on Airbnb but we also now are able to fetch the listings successfully to map new listings.

Airbnb channel is now back to normal. As advised earlier, we are already pushing full sync for all the properties and now you are also good to proceed ahead with mapping the new listing to Airbnb as required.

Please note that no bookings from Airbnb is impacted. 


We have identified Airbnb are no longer processing requests from Resly. 

- Inventory, Rate and Restriction updates from Resly failed/not processed by Airbnb
- Content, unable to manage content/listings from Resly
- New mapping/connection service not available 

Our team has raised to Airbnb to resolve issue. We will keep you posted as heard back from channel.