Expedia Collect (VCC) Update

Working with Expedia, we have been able to make some changes for virtual credit card bookings and how they are displayed in Resly. 

Bookings made from today should now show the NET amount in the booking, this is the remittance amount or amount you can charge the virtual credit card. 

We recommend taking some time to check the first few bookings to make sure everything is in order. Click on the little speech bubble icon to view the comments. Check the total owing in the booking matches the remittance amount in the comments. 

If you see any discrepancies, please send all the booking details to support@resly.com.au for us to look into. 

Attaching Files to an Owners Account

You can now filter the types of files attached to an owners account. Owner statement or a transactional attachment like supplier invoice.

You can search the keyword on the Files tab to find the file quickly. 

You can choose to let owners see all the files in the Owner Portal. There’s a setting the manager needs to update in Portal Settings. You can hide individual files too.

When attaching new files to a charge they will now be visible in files tab automatically.

Let Resly Recommend the Best Available Room

Resly just got better! Now, when you receive an online booking, Resly will recommend the best available room to you. 

It intelligently pick the room with the lowest occupancy, but you still have the option to select the room manually. This way, you can be sure that all the bookings are evenly distributed among all your owners. 

You can see the monthly occupancy for each room and the availability 3 days prior and after the booking dates. The room notes are also displayed here. With all this information handy, you will always make the best choice :)

The auto-email features are still there. You will now see a blue icon for guest emails and a yellow icon for owner emails. You still have the option to turn it off for an individual booking by simply untick the box.

Channel Outage

We have noticed some channel outages which look to be due to a DNS failure. The issue has been identified and we are told a fix has been deployed. 

This outage impacts the following functions: 

  • Inventory and Rate updates from Resly are failing/not processing at the channels end. 
  • Bookings are being impacted as there is a delay in delivering them into Resly.  

Note: If you receive a booking confirmation from a channel via email and it is not in Resly, please enter the booking manually into Resly. 

[RESOLVED] Airbnb Outage

Airbnb ongoing issue have been resolved completely. Not only ARI is being pushed and updated successfully on Airbnb but we also now are able to fetch the listings successfully to map new listings.

Airbnb channel is now back to normal. As advised earlier, we are already pushing full sync for all the properties and now you are also good to proceed ahead with mapping the new listing to Airbnb as required.

Please note that no bookings from Airbnb is impacted. 


We have identified Airbnb are no longer processing requests from Resly. 

- Inventory, Rate and Restriction updates from Resly failed/not processed by Airbnb
- Content, unable to manage content/listings from Resly
- New mapping/connection service not available 

Our team has raised to Airbnb to resolve issue. We will keep you posted as heard back from channel.

Introducing Guest Check by Good to Book, Resly's newest integration partner.

We're excited to announce our newest integration partner, Guest Check by Good to Book! Guest Check is guest intelligence software for Short Term Accommodation Providers.

Designed to identify problematic, disrespectful guests, causing disruption, destruction and harm to other guests and staff — GTB refers to them as Rogue Guests. 

Completely integrated with Resly, Guest Check helps Good to Book Members identify vulnerabilities before they occur, giving them more time to manage their good guests for great stays.

Their network of authorised accommodation providers share a common goal — provide excellent accommodation and guest services, free from Rogue Guests.

What does that mean for you?

First off - Resly is covering your membership fees! Yes, included in your Resly subscription is a Good To Book membership. 

Guest Check provides automated alerts and reports, so you can focus on running your business. And because they're Australian & New Zealand Privacy Law compliant, you can be confident your data is in good hands.

We think this is a great addition to our existing suite of integrations, and we hope you find it as useful as we do!

How to activate your membership? Its easy, in Resly go to Settings > Integrations > Click on Good to Book > The details should auto fill so just click 'Sign up' and you are done! 

As always we welcome your feedback!

Sam, Rico and the rest of the team @ Resly 

Auto Credit Card Validation With PayAdvantage

We're excited to announce that we've just added a new feature to our PayAdvantage integration users. From now on, every new booking made with a credit card will be automatically validated.

This means that you can be sure that the guest card details are correct at the time of the booking. Resly will pick up issues like wrong card number, wrong expiry date, wrong CVC number and etc. 

If the card details are invalid, you will receive an alert email, as well as a notification in Resly. When you go into the credit card vault, you will also see the error message there.

We hope you find this new feature helpful. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Expedia Virtual Card: Those cards are only valid after the guests check in. So when we validate those cards at the time of booking, you will see an error "Restricted Card", You can safely ignore this.

Tenancy Improvements

We have added the quick filter buttons to tenancies. 

All - Displays all tenancies. 

Active - Displays only tenancies with an active status.

Owing - Displays any tenancy that has an outstanding balance, regardless of status. 

Expired - Displays tenancies that have expired, but have not been deactivated.

Deactivated - Displays tenancies that have been deactivated. 

Future - Displays all future tenancies. 

Moving forward, tenancies will not automatically be deactivated like they were previously. There is now a status field in each tenancy which property managers can set. 

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