Auto Credit Card Validation With PayAdvantage

We're excited to announce that we've just added a new feature to our PayAdvantage integration users. From now on, every new booking made with a credit card will be automatically validated.

This means that you can be sure that the guest card details are correct at the time of the booking. Resly will pick up issues like wrong card number, wrong expiry date, wrong CVC number and etc. 

If the card details are invalid, you will receive an alert email, as well as a notification in Resly. When you go into the credit card vault, you will also see the error message there.

We hope you find this new feature helpful. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Expedia Virtual Card: Those cards are only valid after the guests check in. So when we validate those cards at the time of booking, you will see an error "Restricted Card", You can safely ignore this.