New Integration - Accomms Least Wanted

Many of you have been requesting a black list for problem guests. The circulation of spreadsheets is in breach of personally identifiable information (PII) and consumer rights, so we have formed a partnership with Accoms Least Wanted (ALW) to give each property the option to protect their property whilst remaining compliant. 

ALW is an industry driven database and alert system that provides details of guests banned by other accommodation providers. The risk mitigation platform ensures better guests for better stays.

ALW's site provides real time alerts based on your own preference settings, you will receive alerts when other accommodation providers enter a banned guest to the ALW database. This also allows for Police to send out “Be On The Lookout” BOLO alerts.

Resly is the first PMS to adopt this product and our integrations means a property can easily report a rouge guest to the ALW database or search the ALW database to see if the guest matches any exisiting reports. 

Resly has made it super easy to search or report a guest from within the reservation. 

To find out more information and to sign up for an account visit ALW's website 

Monthly ALW subscription is $19.99 incl GST or you can opt for an annual subscription which brings it down to $218. 

Mention Resly and get a month for free!