Notification Email Issue Resolved

Notification emails now only send out when the internet is offline rather than any individual device going offline.

Now if a device (such as a thermostat) goes offline temporarily for maintenance, a notification email will not be sent out.

Note: There is still one other issue causing the “back online” notification email sending too often. We plan to address this issue soon.

Backup Guest Lock Code

If we are unable to set a guest code to a lock before check-in time, we now email the guest a backup lock code which was set on the lock ahead of time. The backup code is rotated after the stay.

Permanent Codes

Each listing has 4 permanent codes on set to each of its locks:

  • A Guest Backup Code
  • A Cleaner Code
  • A Property Manager Code
  • An Owner Code

These codes can be shared with the respective party so that later when they are used you can track which party accessed the property (future feature).

These permanent codes are now displayed on each listing page!