What's new in your notification system 🔔

For a more productive and serene collaborative work, you can now customize the notifications of your Atolia workspace on mobile from your web application. 🔔

You have the same notification preferences on your mobile app as on your desktop app:

  • With the "All New Messages" option, you receive a notification for each new message on your mobile.
  • With the "Mentions only" option, you receive a mobile notification only for messages in which you have been mentioned.
  • With the "No notification" option, you will not receive any notification on your mobile.

To do this, from your web browser or desktop application, go to your profile at the top left of your interface. Click on "Profile" and then on the "Enterprise Settings" tab. In the "Team Notifications Settings" section, you can choose your notification preferences. And that's it! 😊

What's new in your application! 🎯

We have improved the search in your app! From now on, you have a search bar at the very top of your screen to simplify access to your information. 🔎

Simply click on it and type in a search criteria such as "meeting".

Once launched, you will arrive on a page dedicated to results. You can perfom research on the content of a message, the name of a document, the name of a task, the content of a knowledge page or the name of an event.

Of course, this is a first version. We will continue to improve and refine the search to make your daily work easier. 🚀

What's new in your project module! 🎯

We have improved the display of your project module to simplify your access to information! 🙌

From now on, viewing your projects is more intuitive and will make your daily work easier.

Get to the bottom of all your projects with your new dashboard! 🚀

New in your navigation bar!

Your collaborative platform is getting a makeover! 🙌 Our team has improved your navigation bar with the addition of emoticons to your groups to make them easier to find.

You can add an emoticon when creating a workgroup or by modifying the name of an existing group, from the settings of the group.

Our developers have also added user avatars to direct messages. 💬

New in your calendars! 📆

In your Calendar module, when you move your mouse over an event, a small window will appear with the most important details of it!

Find more quickly all the information you need to stay organized every day. 😉

What's new in your notification center! 🛎

When you are assigned to a task and click on it from your notification center, you will be redirected directly to your project view with the task highlighted.

This enhancement simplifies your project visibility and will make it easier for you 😉

New in your instant messenger!

In your group conversations, you now have an new posts mark since your last visit to that group! 💬

Two new filters are available to refine your searches in your "Threads" tab:

  • "Unread" to display all your threads where you have new notifications.
  • "All" to display all your threads.

Pick up your discussions where you left off with Atolia! 💬

Nouveautés dans votre messagerie !

Dans vos groupes de discussion, l'onglet "Réponses" a été repensé afin de faciliter la lecture de vos nouvelles notifications. 💬

Désormais, seule la liste des fils de discussion (thread) auxquels vous avez participé apparaitra dans l'onglet.

Deux nouveaux filtres sont disponibles pour affiner vos recherches :

  • "Non lus" pour afficher tous vos fils de discussion où vous avez de nouvelles notifications.
  • "Tous" pour afficher l'ensemble de vos fils de discussion.

Gardez la main sur vos discussions avec Atolia ! 💬

Des améliorations dans votre système de notifications ! 🔔

Dans votre barre de navigation de groupes et de messages directs, vous avez désormais un indicateur de nouveaux messages si vous disposez de nombreux groupes.

Ne passez plus à côté d'un message important : vous êtes notifié(e) lorsque le groupe de travail dans lequel vous avez reçu un message n'est pas visible sur l'écran. 💬

Toute l'équipe d'Atolia vous souhaite une très belle année 2022 ! 🎉

Des nouveautés dans votre messagerie ! 💬

Peut-être l'avez-vous déjà remarqué... Des raccourcis d'emojis ✅👀🙌 apparaissent lorsque vous survolez les messages dans vos groupes de travail.

  • ✅ correspond à « Terminé »
  • 👀 correspond à « Je regarde »
  • 🙌 correspond à « Bravo ! »

En cliquant sur l'une de ces réactions, vous facilitez ainsi la communication avec vos équipes !

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