Features under development
- FIPS Certification Firmware Candidate - The HSM firmware is undergoing FIPS certification coordination.
- Added the Virtual Token Library (VTL) to the 1.10 HSMoD service client.
- Client patched reducing timeout and failover issues during key and certificate migration.
- Direct link to SafeNet Data Protection on Demand **Status Page** available in user interface footer.
- The Company name no longer needs to be unique. Now, multiple enterprise tenants can share a common company name.
- Service provider monthly reports now include the minimum billable units (MBU) selection from the tenants **Initial Elections** form.
- Deprecating support for 32-bit operating systems.
- Ending support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
- You cannot download a new HSMoD service client for a service which existed prior to release 1.5. Recreate the service.
Bugs Fixed
- DPS-3071 - Deleting an application owner account before deleting any associated platform credentials results in being unable to delete both the platform credentials and any associated subscriber group.
- DPS-3006 - The HSM on Demand service generic mapping refers to key_vault in reports and the API.