Quote update - Release 2

You will now see a "New Quote" button on the Dashboard or Calendar view page. It's like a mini direct booking engine within Resly. Great for making a quote on the phone or at reception.

Enter dates and guest counts, Resly will show you all the available rate plans. 

Click Quote and see the available rooms. You will see the notes from each room, occupancy and the availability before and after to help you make a better decision. 

Click Quote here will take you directly to the "New Reservation" page with all the details already filled in.

How to Quote in Resly

We have pushed an update which now allows properties to provide quotes (This is the first release). Adding a quote will temporally hold the room for a period and auto cancel if the quote is not converted into a booking. 

You should see a new 'Add Quote' button at the bottom of the Add Reservation tab. 

You have the option to hold the quote for 24 hours, 3,5 or 7 days. If the quote is not confirmed at the end of the chosen period the quote will expire and the room released back for sale. 

You can view all your active quotes in Reservations > Reservations List > Active Quotes.

Streamline Easter Arrivals - Set up online check-in

A friendly reminder about online check-in, to help with what looks to be a busy Easter period. To speed up your check-in process and provide a seamless guest experience we suggest you utilise our online check-in feature. 

Online check-in will capture the guests arrival time and drivers licence (or passport) and attach it to their booking in Resly. The guest also has to accept your terms of stay and complete a COVID declaration.  

Here is the article to walk you through the set up.

Exclude guests from email communication

*updated* You can now flag a guest as 'do not contact' which will exclude then from any automated/scheduled email communication and warn you when sending an email to them. 

To activate, simply go into a reservation, click edit then tick the icon next to the email field in the reservation. 

Once activated, you will see red tags on the reservation. 

New feature - Comfort Factor/Last Room Available

We now offer the the ability to hold back allotments from online channels. 

The feature is quite flexible, you can stipulate how many allotments you want each channel to have, down to room type level macro. 

Use case would be hold your last available room for each room type and only sell it direct. Or maybe you have guaranteed allotment with wholesalers and you want to reduce the risk of overbooking. 

You could also hold back last room availability from higher costing channels like AOT but leave it on OTA channels with lower commissions. 

This feature is only available in the back end, so if you would like to utilise this, please submit a support ticket by emailing support@resly.com.au and tell us how many allotment you would like to hold back, what room types and what channels. 

New Channel: Yonda Holiday Group *UPDATED*

**Yonda channel is now active, send an email to support@resly.com.au with your hotel codes and we will map the channel for you** 

If you would like to start working with Yonda, please email brooke.kelly@yonda.com.au and arrange to sign up. ^Sam. 

We are pleased to announce a new connection to the Yonda Holiday Group.

Yonda Holiday Club seamlessly connects the supplier to the end consumer, offering an alternate distribution solution for suppliers that is below the line. Yonda’s direct to consumer model ensures price integrity for suppliers vs traditional distribution channels.

Yonda is a passionate travel tech centric company that is dedicated to developing innovative travel products and services through continued development of technology platforms. At Yonda we believe both suppliers and consumers are looking for an experience that offers relevance, personalisation, convenience, ease of interaction and instant gratification. Much like Netflix, the platform uses the member’s innate behaviour and travel preferences to serve highly personalised travel experiences.

Yonda recently entered the market in what is considered a very tumultuous time, the motivating business objective for Yonda is to offer a point of difference, reverse engineer current business processes and challenge the status quo.

Given Yonda’s broad demographic of end user distribution they are very open to working with various supplier types to market and promote their product accordingly.

For properties interested to work with Yonda or to find out more information please email: brooke.kelly@yonda.com.au

Average Charges Report

Some of you might find these stats interesting. The average cleaning and commission charges for the Sunshine Coast and TNQ. As we continue to expand we will hopefully have more data points to look at and share. 

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