Marketing Assistance - Introducing Switch Hotel Solutions

Resly is proud to announce our first industry partnership with marketing and revenue management specialists, Switch Hotel Solutions

SHS offers a one stop solution for hotels, motels and resorts. They provide intelligent and unique strategies to their clients and are specialists in the management rights industry. SHS understand that all of their clients are different, so why should your strategy be cookie cutter? 

Switch Hotel Solutions have a solid background in strata and online travel agencies which puts them in a position to understand what is needed to make your business thrive. 

Chris at Switch Hotel Solutions will implement revenue management tools and strategies normally reserved for the big chain properties, making them more accessible for his independent properties. 

As you know, I am always out to get Resly users access to the best tools and resources for less, so all Resly users receive 50% discount on Switch Hotel Solutions' offering for the first two months. Email Chris above. 

Invitation to participate - May/June Destination Gold Coast Campaign

Resly and Trip A Deal, in conjunction with Destination Gold Coast extend their invitation to to participate in the upcoming DGC Campaign Activity in May/June 2021. 

This campaign is not currently public knowledge and will target the Australian and New Zealand Markets with a maximum of 8 properties being promoted (selection based on availability, rooms to sell and the offer). 

Resly properties are the first to get the option to participate. Please do not forward this email outside of your property. 

In summary;

Key Campaign Objective: Generate weekday and low season room nights within the Gold Coast region.
Co-sponsorship: TripADeal & Destination Gold Coast
Overall Campaign Period: 8 Weeks (01 May to 30 June 2021)
Hotel Sales Period: 3 Weeks
Markets: Australia / New Zealand

If you are interested please provide the following;

1. Notification you are interested by email to 
2. A net rate package with a minimum stay of 3 nights, offering 3/5/7 night packages - if we could look at re-running any of our previous offers that would be great otherwise feel free to submit something different) 
3. Travel Period and Block out dates;
4. No competing offers in market for your 3 weeks sales period; and
5. Preference of Sale Dates within the campaign period.

Please find attached the Campaign Overview deck that outlines the campaign investment from TripADeal and Destination Gold Coast.

Please review one of our latest campaign pages, as an example of what your campaign page would look like  
The deadline for submission 15 April 2021

*If you are outside GC and would be interested if I put together something similar let me know - 

Sojern - Partner Offer - 25% Discount

Direct Booking Marketing by Sojern. 

Promo Offer

- 25% off your commission invoices for the first 3 months- Standard Commission: 12% on stayed bookings - for the first 3 months of your campaign, for all completed stays we drove to you, we’ll offer you 25% discount on the commission- Campaigns we run:
  • Display Banner Ads across desktop and mobile; Including Free display banner creatives + Free bi-annual banner refresh
  • Facebook & Instagram Sponsored Ads Including creatives
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Attached is a summary of how Sojern works. One important thing to note is that there is a requirement that the property generates $12,000 - $15,000 gross revenue in direct bookings per month. 

Contact Irina Markovych for more details. 

0431990084 • 

New Integration - Accomms Least Wanted

Many of you have been requesting a black list for problem guests. The circulation of spreadsheets is in breach of personally identifiable information (PII) and consumer rights, so we have formed a partnership with Accoms Least Wanted (ALW) to give each property the option to protect their property whilst remaining compliant. 

ALW is an industry driven database and alert system that provides details of guests banned by other accommodation providers. The risk mitigation platform ensures better guests for better stays.

ALW's site provides real time alerts based on your own preference settings, you will receive alerts when other accommodation providers enter a banned guest to the ALW database. This also allows for Police to send out “Be On The Lookout” BOLO alerts.

Resly is the first PMS to adopt this product and our integrations means a property can easily report a rouge guest to the ALW database or search the ALW database to see if the guest matches any exisiting reports. 

Resly has made it super easy to search or report a guest from within the reservation. 

To find out more information and to sign up for an account visit ALW's website 

Monthly ALW subscription is $19.99 incl GST or you can opt for an annual subscription which brings it down to $218. 

Mention Resly and get a month for free!

Streamline Easter Arrivals - Set up online check-in

A friendly reminder about online check-in, to help with what looks to be a busy Easter period. To speed up your check-in process and provide a seamless guest experience we suggest you utilise our online check-in feature. 

Online check-in will capture the guests arrival time and drivers licence (or passport) and attach it to their booking in Resly. The guest also has to accept your terms of stay and complete a COVID declaration.  

Here is the article to walk you through the set up.

Average Charges Report

Some of you might find these stats interesting. The average cleaning and commission charges for the Sunshine Coast and TNQ. As we continue to expand we will hopefully have more data points to look at and share. 

Collecting, storing and providing details for COVID tracing

With the recent announcement to ban paper check-ins, we would like to remind users how to utilise Resly for capturing and storing information should you need to provide it to relevant authorities. 

Encourage guest to use online check-in. This process will capture the lead guests' ID and store it against their booking in Resly. It will also validate their email or mobile number to ensure their contact details are correct. A standard COVID declaration is required to be completed during the online check-in process. 

All details captured from online check-in are stored against the guests booking in Resly. 

Providing details to authorities. Go to Reservations > Reservations List > and simply export a CVS file selecting all the required information.

If any guests are unreachable or their details are incorrect, you have a copy of their ID on the profile which you can share with authorities. 


If you haven't set up online check-in yet, please read this article. Once activated, you can create a dummy booking with your own contact details (mobile number and email) and test it. 

Updating rates and restrictions

A friendly reminder that rates and restrictions should be updated in Resly PMS, not in Resly Connect. 

Rule of thumb - Resly PMS should be the source of truth. 

Bulk update - Best for updating multiple rate plans for a bulk period of dates.

Yearly view - Best for updating a single rate plan based on season dates or for a full year. 

Changes to single dates can be made below in the rate plan by just clicking on the date and overriding the value. 

CNS/PD Virgin Sale

Airfare Sale - Properties in the Tropical North - Virgin is putting out a sale till 21 Dec so make sure you have your availability and rates loaded for Feb/Mar to capture some bookings!

Border announcement - check your rates

NSW <> QLD borders are due to open on 1st Dec. Please check your rates to make sure everything is correct and ready for the interstate travellers. 

- Check what promotions and rates you have on your OTAs, can you increase these to utilise the new demand?

- Update your promo banner on Direct, maybe include a welcome message with a NSW targeted coupon? 

- Maximise availability on your grid - move bookings around to reduce short gaps between bookings. 

- Activate online/mobile check-in with Resly - COVID Safe

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