You can now customise the default Share Message for customer referrals to your native language.
Edit the pre-filled message and let your customers start Sharing on WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook and more today!
You can now customise the default Share Message for customer referrals to your native language.
Edit the pre-filled message and let your customers start Sharing on WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook and more today!
You can now translate your referral widget into non-english languages such as Chinese, Spanish, and French! Interested? Fill out our contact form and we'll enable it for you.
See a sudden spike in referrals? You can now use the fraud center
to keep track of customers who have a high volume of suspicious referral activity.
You can now set the number of reminder emails your customers receive. Get more control and deliver a better customer experience today!
Did you know you can edit the content of all your emails?
From the Dashboard, click on Emails & Pages and select the theme you want to edit → Content → Edit All Text.
Our new Fraud Centre lets you review suspicious transactions to detect self-referrals and take action directly.
We've developed a feature to allow you to use your domain when sending emails. This offers more customization and branding from your referral emails, replacing our candymail system.
Sign up for Beta Access now, and start sending your branded referral emails.
NB: You may need developer assistance for this step.
Our latest update includes a critical option that lets your customers opt in for referral mails at checkout. This also means no more annoying pop-ups for your customers as they check out.
If you're a Shopify, Magento or any other platform user, this feature is already enabled. Update your plugin now; click for instructions and how-to.
Connecting Magento to ReferralCandy is better with our upgraded module.
You now have more control over emails sent to your customers. You can enable or disable them from Email Settings in the Dashboard 👇🏼
Read more about email settings in our help article.