Features Tweaks and Improvements.
This week at nOps we dedicated our time to improve the overall User experience of nOps and tweaked existing features as better UX along with some improvements always makes a huge difference and that's also one of the nOps fundamentals to keep on making such tweaks so that engineers get better hands-on experience without any performance issues.
Better and Improved
CIS Dashboard: The CIS Dashboard now offers clearer visibility of rule violations and you can also click the arrow icon under the Action column to see more details even if there are no violations. This allows you more visibility in the CIS Dashboard and enables you to make better decisions for the security of your infrastructure.
To see the updated version, visit CIS Dashboard.
CloudFormation Stack with IAM Policy: nOps CloudFormation Stack now supports dynamic CloudFormation for each customer for IAM role. The CloudFormation now also has a separate section for the IAM role deny list.
This will allow you more control over the IAM permissions, adding specific permission to the allow and deny list. You can add such permission in the deny list that you deem unnecessary or sensitive. You can also tweak the permissions in the allow section depending on your use case and required services from nOps.
To see the updated version, visit CloudFormation Stack with IAM Policy.
Scheduler: You will now only see resources from the selected cloud account when you search for resources with the help of the search bar while attaching resources to be scheduled using the Scheduler. You can now search any resource by entering instance id/name with the help of our new and improved search feature.
To learn more about Schedulers, visit Scheduler page
Well-Architected Now Even Faster
Well-Architected partner portal page is now better and faster with an even more initiative UI. This new version of the Well-Architected page still retains the same functionality as the previous version but comes with a newer look, free of bugs, and offers a faster UI. This is mostly the performance tuning of this page and now partners will be saving time to scroll through the list of all the partner clients and get the insights and details way faster than before.
To see the updated version, visit Well-Architect Partner Page.