We made the purpose of buttons for ticket payments clearer. Now, instead of buttons Income and Expense, there will be buttons Advance payment and Advance payment refund, which more closely corresponds to their functions. We also replaced the incomprehensible option Do not affect on ticket total, which made it possible to make expenses for the purchase of goods, with a separate button called Service expense.
🔔 If you previously accepted payment for an ticket through the Income button, then we have had a more convenient way for this for a long time: just select the ticket status with the wallet icon, usually the status is Closed, and the system will automatically display the payment window with the required amount, and also offer to print documents.
Other Updates
- The last selected type of discount (currency or percentage) is remembered, now those who make discounts mainly in currency will not need to constantly switch to it.
- An employee without the right to be a master will not be able to become a master by default, if he adds a service, you will need to select another employee with the appropriate right.
- When printing a sales document, all items will be sorted by the date they were added, which will make it easier to compare documents with a large number of items.