13 December 2020

improvement  Copy-Paste from Word File

After experimenting a bit with the legacy tags/classes which get included when you copy-paste content from MS Word file, we managed to get this working for the text editor in Fresh Proposals. 

Depending on the MS Word version you use, there would be few instances where it will throw bit weird things in the text editor. Do let us know and we will try to fix it.

We have also attempted copy-paste from Google Doc, but there is still tags/classes which needs filtering, we are working on it.

improvement  Variables in Content Table + Fees Table

Now you can add placeholder/ variable to content table and fees table. 

1. Adding variable to content table

2. Adding variable to Fees table:

Adding/ updating placeholder variable is slightly different in Fees table (since it is not purely a rich text editor)

Add variable to fees table

announcement  Support for 25 Languages

For the client view, we have introduced language translation for 25 languages. 


We are working with some of you to improve the client side interface translation. Please feel free to reach out to us, if you would like to suggest changes to your preferred language translation.

We will also be adding few more language to the list in next couple of weeks.

improvement  HTML Code in Email Signature

Currently we are supporting HTML code for Email Signature as shown here. You can use email signature in the proposal emails you send to your clients/ prospects.

Remember, copy-pasting from website/ email client may not give you the exactly same signature, since our editor may not have or support the classes/tags/access of your original signature.

fix  Fixed Issue related to

  • Extra space in fees table row description