Request and Manage Your Shipments With Ease

Updates and design enhancements to the shipping tab and user interface for requesting and managing shipments have been released on the Earth Class Mail web application. We have streamlined the request process for domestic and international shipments to make it more user-friendly and eliminate the glitches and friction customers were experiencing. The design updates also provide customers with a highly-responsive and enhanced user experience across the platform. Plus, no more switching screens—customers can now access their shipments status and history 2x faster with the enhanced filter and sort feature! And get a quick view of any individual shipment’s details when you select one.

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How to Request a Shipment
The updated user interface continues to support the same functionality for requesting shipments with some additional features included and a streamlined process.

From any screen, navigate to:
> MailRoom button in left column (mailbox icon) > Select item(s) you wish to ship
>Click the Ship button at the top, add or select an address, then follow the remaining steps

Create a new shipment or add items to a pending shipment
🙌 Note: Only the owner of the original request can add items to a pending shipment

Shipping Preferences: New User Interface

International Shipment Request: New User Interface

Shipment Delivery Instructions: New User Interface

How to Manage Shipments

From any screen, navigate to:
> Shipments button in the left column (truck icon)
> Get a quick view of all shipments or sort and filter to view specific items

Shipments Tab Main Screen: New User Interface

🙌 Note: Customers can still seamlessly manage all of their shipping addresses and easily add, remove, and edit them in the Shipping Addresses tab in Settings.

Now, you can easily sort and filter shipments by status, date, or items—all in one place.

Simply select any shipment to view the details and items included.

Cancel pending shipments with a click of a button.

Plus, with our responsive design, you can enjoy the new experience from any mobile web browser—take a peek!


That’s a Wrap!

At Earth Class Mail, we take your customer satisfaction seriously. Every month we analyze customer feedback and work towards creating the best possible experience for you.

🙋  Have feedback for us?  Please reach out:

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