🖼️ Export as image

No more print screens or snipping!

Many users have been asking for a way to use the nice designs in DrawSQL for their project documentation. Happy to announce that you can now do so! The image export feature will allow you to download a .png image of your pretty diagrams.

👀 View only access / Public diagrams

This one required quite extensive rework of the code base with changes to the architecture, and hence took a while.

But it’s now ready, 📢 announcing the launch of public diagrams.

Now you have a new easy way to share your diagrams, public diagrams can be viewed by anyone with the link, but of course, editing will be restricted to yourself and members in your team.

Here’s an example public diagram as a quick preview:


New 'solo' pricing

Solo developers, bootstrappers & side hustlers can now choose to keep their diagrams private with the new Solo plan 🎉

For the launch period this plan is heavily at $15/month (50% off), so if you’ve been on the fence so far, now’s the time to subscribe and lock in this price!

🖨MySQL Export

Biggest request and feature since the Product Hunt launch:

- Diagram export via MySQL DDL!

This required some reworking of the app architecture, hence took a while. Other export methods will be coming soon!

Launched 🚀

Hello World!

After 6 months of 🔨 and ☕☕☕, I’m really excited to announce that drawSQL is now publicly available.

The launch on ProductHunt went pretty well overall and we managed to snag #2 for the day 🥈 !


❤️ Thanks again for supporting drawSQL early on this journey.

Expect more updates to drawSQL real soon 🤩