Modernising Donna's AI brain - Part 1 🧠

Donna is currently undergoing a big upgrade. Since September, the team have been busy modernising parts of Donna's brain, starting with 'Defined Terms' and 'Definitions', launched on November 12th.  

What's going on under the hood? 

Previously the Defined Terms & Definitions machine learning module was one monolith box. Each time we upgraded the system to make improvements it would take a long time for us to test and validate its new predictions. Overall, this meant even small changes took a long time to implement.

Today Defined Terms & Definitions are a collection of much smaller independent boxes, that interact closely, like a well-tuned orchestra. Which means it's much easier to tweak small changes or add edge cases to suggestions.

What does this mean for you?

The plus side is that you'll now see fewer irrelevant suggestions across the board. Previously you might have seen Donna get confused by quotation marks or apostrophes within a quoted definition. 

For example: Any shareholder that wishes to transfer shares ('Owner's Shares'

Sometimes Donna would also get confused by plurals in definitions, unusual definition styles, freetext definitions, etc.

The updated Donna is much smarter at recognising all sorts of outliers. Making Defined Terms & Definitions much slicker. And if you do notice something doesn't work, make sure to ping us on our chat. We'll now have a much quicker turnaround time for fixes.

This is also great news for law firms with unique document styles, as Donna will be able to adapt to your house style much faster. 

As an added benefit, the new system also brings big speed improvements, especially for larger contracts.

We hope you enjoy the big upgrade and make sure to look out for the upcoming stage when we bring in references, dates, and amounts to the new AI model!