Sign Contracts in Seconds
We're excited to announce that the Check Out process has been improved!
Now, signing a contract won't take as long and is easier than ever. You'll be able to see more information about who you will be working with before checking out.
We've also made improvements on our mobile version so that you can enjoy the same experience, no matter which device is in use.
🔎 From now on this is what you'll see:
> At your right there will always be a Summary of what you are paying and who you will work with.
> To the left is where you'll find your SOW contract information, as well as a section for signature.
> You can share it with anyone in your company who needs to take a look in the Share for Review gap.
> After you agree, we will ask for your billing information and that's it! You'll get a new screen with an overview, options about payment methods and next steps.