Assembly Allocation Notice

The BOM on the Assembly layout now displays the quantity that has been allocated for that assembly. If an item does not have enough quantity allocated, the line will be highlighted in red.

Vendor's Items

You can now view the items by a vendor from the Company layout. In the More... section, a new button displays items that particular vendor supplies. The button is only active for vendors.

A star appears when the vendor is the preferred vendor for a specific item.

Availability of the item is displayed. To display the quantity at the warehouse, simply hover over the available quantity.

Finally, a navigation button directs the user to the item layout.

Purchase Order Total from Dependent Orders

Layout: Assembly Order

Tab: Dependent Orders

Process: When clicking the Order All button, purchase orders and assembly orders (for subassemblies) are created. If an existing purchase order exists, then a new line will be added.

Problem: When an existing purchase order does exist and a new line is added, the grand total of the purchase order did not update.

Select SKU for Order Line via keyboard

Made the selection of an sku via card window more keyboard friendly:

  • Search box waits until user clicks Tab or Return (improvement over the OnObjectModify process that ran a query with every keystroke).
  • Navigate the found set with tab or down arrow to go down and shift+tab or up arrow to go up.
  • Select an item by clicking the return or enter key once inside the record.

Escape closes the window (same behavior as before).

Need to Fulfill adjusted

When building the Bill of Materials tree (a.k.a. multi-level BOM), the need to fulfill column for subassemblies took into account how many units could be assembled as well as how many were on the shelf. For example, if 48 units were on the shelf and 7 more could be assembled, then those would be added together before determining the need to fulfill.

This works when the BOM Tree is a stand alone product, but in Trayse Inventory there is now a Dependent Order that lists the various units that need to be purchased and the subassemblies that need to be assembled.

Now, the need to fulfill only considers what is on the shelf.

Old method of Need to Fulfill

This is the old method of need to fulfill where the quantity available was added to the quantity that can be assembled. This example highlights that cases for the subassembly BLAC-PEA-08.

Lot Putaway

There was an issue where the putaway location for the lot did not match the PUTAWAYLINE::actualPutawayID that is set on the Putaway location. This is now fixed and works as expected.

Order Dependencies

Dependent Orders Tab

Previously, the Order button disappeared when an order was placed. Now the button changes to a gray button, informing the user that the process is completed.

There was also an issue where the user could click the button when the Assembly Order was in a Canceled status. Now, when an Assembly Order is canceled, all of the Order buttons turn gray.

Dependent Orders

Trayse Inventory now has dependent orders. These are orders that are associated with a final build. When you put together a kit or a manufactured item, the final product (a.k.a. finished good) requires other materials. Some of those materials are purchased from vendors and some are subassemblies that require their own Assembly Order. Failure to track this data will mean one of two things:

  1. Over purchasing materials that are not needed.
  2. Under purchasing materials need and thus delaying the completion of the finished product.

Both can be expensive.

Dependent orders allows the user to clearly track the needed materials and order in an appropriate time.

Assembly layout with dependent orders

Quantity Information

Layout: Item

Section: Subheader

There are now three information icons Allocated, On Order, and On Backorder. When those quantities fields have a value other than zero, this icon becomes active.

Clicking the icon will display the related orders that constitute this aggregate. A caret icon in the list enables users to navigate to a particular order.

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