February 2022 Product Updates

Traceable Platform Agents and Tracing Agents are released asynchronously from the platform features and they can be found here

Default DataSets for Compliance Announcement 

In this release, within Traceable AI sensitive datatypes are grouped into business and compliance specific DataSets for ease of management. For each of the DataSet, you can select to enable data classification based on it and whether to redact the corresponding values. 

You can also define new datatypes in addition to the datatypes predefined in the system. For user convenience, new sensitive datatype definition is available within the context of API Endpoint DNA.

Security Detection in Cookies Improvement 

To further detection accuracy, Traceable now is able to parse the structure of cookies embedded into requests and responses. Within each parameter of the cookies, Traceable AI executes the same detection for potentially malicious patterns as within the body and headers of the requests.

Custom Webhook Updates Improvement 

To allow for our custom webhooks to work with environments which require specific headers like AWS S3, GCP Cloud storage (GCS) Traceable AI will allow custom key value pairs to be added to the headers. 

Data Collection

Node.JS Support New 

Our Node.js language agent can be used to collect data from and block malicious requests coming into Node.js applications

AWS Lambda Support New 

With the increase in popularity of serverless architecture, security teams increasingly need to protect applications deployed on platforms like AWS lambda. With our new Traceable Python lambda agent, our customers can start collecting data for requests flowing through lambda functions written in Python.

HA Proxy Support New 

We have added data collection options for capturing data from HA Proxy when its deployed in either standalone mode (VM) or Ingress-controller (K8s)

NGINX Ingress Support New 

Traceable can now also collect data for NGINX ingress controller