2024年2月Gmail新规全知道 👮♀️
二月已经来临,如果您不想让您的邮件自动化营销旅程在 2024 年被冻结,请按照新规则行事。我们收集了所有重要的更新信息,还为新的Gmail规则制作了个清单,帮助您掌握这些新规则,继续在这里优化您的营销旅程。
别以为这些规则不关你事,你的收件人中至少一半的邮箱是@gmail.com、@yahoo.com结尾或者是这些提供商的 👀
二月已经来临,如果您不想让您的邮件自动化营销旅程在 2024 年被冻结,请按照新规则行事。我们收集了所有重要的更新信息,还为新的Gmail规则制作了个清单,帮助您掌握这些新规则,继续在这里优化您的营销旅程。
别以为这些规则不关你事,你的收件人中至少一半的邮箱是@gmail.com、@yahoo.com结尾或者是这些提供商的 👀
好消息是,我们现在把 Pipedrive 的集成做得像超级英雄的披风一样,它能自动帮你完成那些无聊的任务,让你有更多时间去做真正重要的事情。
我们准备了24种全新的自动化场景,它们正等待与您的Pipedrive设置集成。这些自动化流程运转得如魔法般顺畅,将Snov.io中的事件与Pipedrive中相应的操作连接起来,确保您的工作流程无缝进行 😍
>>>>> 立即深入了解集成功能
😍 新增用户70万,真是太猛了
📩 发了2.02亿封邮件,嗖嗖嗖
🔍 收集了5亿多潜在客户,简直牛
🔄 邮箱轮换功能: 可以同时从多个账号发邮件,速战速决,不伤害发信人的邮箱声誉。
❤️🔥 数据库搜索: 从我们的数据库里挖掘潜在客户和公司,通过各种细致的筛选器找到心仪的线索,职务、公司规模样样都有。
🌟 自动交易功能: 快速化销售流程,把热门潜在客户往前推,全情投入在成交上。
📚 Snov.io学院销售课程: 两小时的干货,从提升寻找潜在客户线索到最高效工作流程,全部搞定。
🔄 HubSpot和Snov.io合体: 体验强强联手,实时同步潜在客户数据,工作效率成倍提升!
🧙 Snov.io 邮件 AI: 解决错别字,微调语气,支持36国语言翻译,就像魔法一样!
🔔 参与通知功能: 收件人打开、点击、回复邮件,实时推送通知,不漏一点动静。
🚀 营销邮件已发送: Zapier触发器,营销邮件发送一刻不落。
🌐 Pro用户无限预热: 75刀一个月,无限邮箱预热,多划算。
📬 Snov.io的邮件送达课: 通过22堂独家短视频课程提高电子邮件KPI。
🔍 域名健康检查工具: 搞清域名记录,确保一切ok。
🧾 在结算页面查看发票: 直接从结算页面查看并下载所有发票。
P.S. 我们一直在努力创造新的工具和功能,致力于让销售流程更加顺畅,帮助您成为更优秀的销售。请盯紧您的收件箱,近期我们将迅速推送全新的更新! 🎁✨
Now you can easily see and download all your invoices right from the Billing page. Spot the cute little icon, click it, and voilà – your invoice pops as a PDF. Keep all your billing information neatly organized in one place for easy reference!
Cheers to smoother workflows with Snov.io 🚀✨
🏎 极快的发送速度:无论发送量有多大,您的营销活动都能以闪电般的速度发送。
🛩 超越极限:在不违反任何规则的情况下,更快地触达更多潜在客户。
🏃 连接不中断:您的账户可以相互备份。
🙌 团队绝配:一个营销活动中同时来几个发件人,嗨皮得很。
☝️ 最屌的是 - 无限制!连多少账户都成,就一指间的事!
Starting February 2024, Gmail is imposing new rules for bulk senders. These include a spam rate below 0.3%, mandatory email authentication, and easy unsubscribe options. Non-compliance may lead to your emails not being delivered.
There's still time to refine your email strategy before these changes take effect. Our Email Deliverability Challenge videos provide easy-to-follow guidance. Watch, learn, and implement our advice to run successful email campaigns.
We’re adding more helpful data to your campaign statistics! This time, it’s the last engagement timestamp. Now you can find out when the lead last opened, clicked or replied to your email.
This way, you can analyze best lead engagement times and follow-up at the best moment. This feature is already available in your account.
Correctly set DNS records can make or break your cold outreach. So if you don’t want your campaign to bounce, it’s best to keep an eye on your domain health. And we made a tool to help you.
Our new Domain Health Checker:
Plus, it’s available on your account right now.
Open any sender account profile to check your health score!
Hundreds of users are already boosting their open rate and engagement with daily email deliverability video challenges! And it’s not too late for you to join them. Sign up now for Email Deliverability Month and receive bite-sized lessons in your inbox every day.
It's time to take action 🚀
Sign up now
Tired of bounces? High Spam rate? Low engagement? Snov.io's Email Deliverability Month is here to resolve your cold email troubles once and for all!
1 month, 22 short video lessons, and endless opportunities to improve your deliverability.
Sign up and start improving your emailing habits through short daily video challenges. Let’s boost your open rate together.
Sign up here