Welcome Families!

Hello and welcome to Selected!  🙂 

How do I contact teachers?

To contact teachers you must first have your profile approved and you must also purchase invites.

How do I submit my profile for approval?

To submit your profile, complete profile page forms and click the Submit button above the page tabs on the left. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the forms. Once submitted, we will review your profile within 2 days (and usually much faster).

How do I purchase invites?

Right now the only way to purchase invites to reach out to families@getselected.com.. After payment you will receive invites that you can then to teachers! Once a teacher accepts your invite, you will be able to message and exchange personal information. You can check how many invites remaining on your profile page in the invites tab.

What else should I know?

We're improving and adding to the platform rapidly- expect to see new features and updates every day! Please feel free to contact us with suggestions and requests at neil@getselected.com. You can also reply to these announcements directly. We'd love to know how to help best!

Thank you and best of luck in your search!

New Counselor & Social Worker Roles

You can now specify whether you are interested in Counselor and Social Work Positions.

On Profile > Match Preferences you can select the Counselors & Social Workers option to let schools know that you are interested in those positions.

Thank you and happy job search!

New Counselor & Social Worker Roles

You can now specify whether you are interested in Counselor and Social Work Positions.

On Profile > Match Preferences you can select the Counselors & Social Workers option to let schools know that you are interested in those positions.

Thank you and happy job search!

New School Search Feature

You can now search for schools across the country!  Navigate to the Schools tab in the top navigation bar. 

We'll be adding more features to our school search and we'd love to hear from you!

If you have any comments or questions pls reply to this announcement directly! That's the fastest way to get the tools you need built.

Thank you and happy job search!


Manage Your Applicants More Easily

You can now manage your applicants more easily on the Interview Page.  Under the title of the page you can filter your candidates by their status in your process.

You can change the status of any applicant with drop-downs like these which can be found on the Candidate Cards and on the Message Threads.

Thank you and happy hiring!

Message Templates

We've added template messages!

When sending a message you can now load a message from a template.

You can edit your message templates at Profile > Communication 

 *** Please reply with any other templates you would like us to add! ***

New JazzHR Integrations

You can now integrate your Selected account with your JazzHR account! You can do this by navigating to the Integrations tab and providing your JazzHR Api Key.  

Once your account is connected, you will be able to export your Selected Candidates to your JazzHR account. You can do this using the Export to JazzHR button.

** If there's a platform you would like us to integrate with, please comment on this post so we can serve you better! 

Thank you and happy hiring

Introducing The Selected Resume

What is the Selected Resume?

The Selected Resume is a formatted pdf resume completed from a variety of questions that our candidates fill out.

How does this benefit me?

You will now be able to view and download a formatted pdf resume for every candidate before you you send an invite. In addition, every resume will be tailored to teaching, helping you make a recruiting and hiring decisions.

What do I need to do?

Nothing! These changes are already reflected in the candidate cards you use to interact with candidates. We do ask that you give candidates time to complete their information, and to also be patient with us as we work out bugs!

Thanks and please let us know what you think and how we could improve it!

Happy Hiring!

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