Quick Action - Comments

You can now quickly add new comments by clicking the + button. You can chose to apply the comments to the booking, private notes and also housekeeping. The button appears in the booking and on the dashboard.

The new comment will be added as a new line above the existing comments and it will have the user's name and date.

Source Code

You can now set up a default source for each agent, so when adding or editing a booking, when you select an agent, it will automatically fill the source field for you.

This also works when a booking drops in from OTA. for example: BookingCom, Expedia agents their source will be OTA.

Set this up in Settings > General > Agents 

Charging Multiple Accounts

The selection box (in the managers account > charge multiple accounts) is now a lot easier to use, it shows the rooms attached to each owner and their current account balance.

Agoda Outage

We have encountered an error while posting updates to Agoda YCS. 

Updates are not passing through and we are receiving an error saying, - "Authentication failed: The supplied authentication is invalid" from Agoda.

We have checked the details on our side and issue tends to be at Agoda's end. We raised the issue overnight and are working with Agoda to get the connection live again. 

Agoda should be managed via their extranet manually until the connection is back. 

Online Check-in Credit Cards

You can now collect credit card details from guests during Online Check-in. The guest's card will be added to the vault and attached to the booking, with the tag “From Online Check In”.

Credit card details are not a default requirement for online check-in. Please go to Settings > General > Portal to turn it on. 

Lock off/Lock down Improvements

A few improvements for managing lock off rooms. 

(1) You can now specify how many bedrooms the lock-off rate plan has. General > Settings > Rate Plan > Edit. 

(2) The bedroom count will appear next to the rate plan.

(3) It will appear in the dashboard.

(4) It will appear in housekeeping daily/forecast reports.

(5) It will appear in reservation details.

Quickly Check Owners Charges

You can now see the charges for a specific room for a specific rate plan.

If you come across a booking and you don’t understand why certain charged are being applied, this is for you!. Navigate to the room in Settings > Rooms and select the rate plan on which the booking was made. Resly will display what charges have been set up and are being applied, as well as any overrides. 

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