Update: Extension/Upgrade feature

Thanks for everyone's feedback. You can now easily extend or upgrade a booking. 

You will now see a new drop-down menu in a guests booking. 

Extension/upgrade - use this to process an upgrade or extend a booking. You can select a different agent from the one that originally made the booking. So a guest that may have booked through booking.com wants to extend their stay directly with you, by selecting agent as 'direct' the cost of the extension won't be included in the booking.com commission calculation. 

Calendar view improvements

The top date bar will now be frozen at the top of the calendar when scrolling down. We have also bought the daily occupancy and arrivals/departures to the top. 

Please refresh your browser to see the update. 

New Housekeeping Report

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback. 

The new housekeeping report will focus more on the incoming guests, rather than the departing ones. You will see the booking details, housekeeping notes, bedding configuration. If it's a back to back clean, you will also see a red tag on the report so your cleaners can prioritise.

You can now bulk update your housekeeping tasks. Select multiple tasks and you will see "Bulk Update" floating on the bottom. You can mark them all as done, assign them to a housekeeper or change the due date. 

You will need to set up your bedding configurations (article here: https://resly.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050078792)  

Once set up, you can choose a bedding config for each booking, this will show on the housekeeping report. Great for lock-off rooms where your cleaners need to know how to prepare the room. 

Notification for Online Check In

Thank you for your positive feedback on the new online check-in feature. Now you will get a notification when a guest successfully checked in online. Click the notification will take you directly to the reservation.

Daily Banking Improvements

- We have removed the daily banking restriction. You can now bank multiple times a day. 

- You can change the date you want to record the action. Backdate it to tomorrow for an example. If you backdate it to a day where you have already completed daily banking, it will update your reports. 

- You can see the card type transaction breakdown (Amex, Visa etc)

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