Introducing Footfall

In our Graphy Assists line-up, we have a new player that'll ensure you can score many more goals! Introducing the second Graphy Assist: Footfall.

As creators, you understand that the heads and tails of content creation are making and selling. In fact, you have to spend equal energy and often more energy selling your content.

You’re probably doing every kind of marketing — we’re here to make your job easier. We’ve launched Footfall to empower your social proof marketing.

You can enable banner nudges that show LIVE learner interactions on all your landing pages. These live interactions build the trust and credibility of your website.

Every time a learner enrolls in your course, another potential learner is nudged to enroll.

Every time a learner registers for your live session, another potential registrant is nudged to enroll.

Every sale you make will now organically fuel another sale!

Your conversion rate is going to increase, your marketing spend is bound to decrease, and your brand will soar 🦸‍♀️

Footfall is already live on your website. To control it please go to ‘Websites & Apps’ > ‘Website pages’ > ‘Settings’. 

P.S. Only customers on our latest plans have access to Footfall. To become one of them, please reach out to us at