Moving Items Between Folders Is Now Easier

Move items faster than ever before with our new and improved features!  Our improved “Move To Inbox” and “Move To Archive” options will allow you to move multiple mail items quickly and easily. Additionally, you can now move items on your account, regardless of the recipient the folder is assigned to. 

Upgraded Mail Sharing Feature

The mail sharing feature has been upgraded with added security, tracking, and flexibility. You now have the ability to customize the name of the postal mail PDFs you share. Additionally, you have the option to share a new secure direct link to the PDFs. With the link, you can track how many times it has been viewed, and you can confirm that the intended recipients have received the link. The recipients can access the PDFs without an Earth Class Mail account, allowing for a more frictionless sharing experience.

See sample screenshots of the upgraded mail sharing feature below:

August 11th, 2020

Customers can now upgrade or downgrade their subscription plan within the Earth Class Mail web application. This gives our customers more flexibility and control over their subscription plan with the ability to change their subscription plan depending on their needs. This feature can be accessed by navigating to Account Settings -> Account Management -> Change Plan.

June 30th, 2020

  • We consolidated the billing setting and account management settings into a single multi-tabbed view.
  • We added the ability to toggle between FileRoom and the reserved storage add-ons directly in the Earth Class Mail UI.
  • We have enabled recipient specific private mailboxes for eligible accounts.

May 6th, 2020

  • We fixed several small usage bugs for the loading experience, folder deletion, and account cancellation.
  • We updated the styling of mail icons for consistency.

March 4th, 2020

We added a new billing settings page with current and historical usage, subscription information, and past billing statements.

February 13th, 2020

  • Additional improvements have been made to the PDF viewer, particularly for viewing wide documents.
  • We also added better error reporting so that we can catch and resolve issues faster.
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