The annual tax sale for properties delinquent since 2020 starts next week

The Cook County Treasurer is catching up on the annual tax sales and this will be the second annual tax sale conducted in 2022. The first, for properties delinquent since 2019 would normally have been held in 2021, but the COVID pandemic deferred that to be held in May 2022. 

The upcoming annual tax sale, starting November 15, 2022, is for properties with delinquent taxes since 2020. Registration closed last Friday.

Chicago Cityscape has integrated data about the 23,834 properties in Chicago and their tax certificates that will be auctioned off starting next week. The number is subject to decrease as property owners pay off their taxes before their property's scheduled auction date. (Other municipalities may be added, subject to data availability.)

Access the data in two ways:

1. Property Finder within Place Snapshot. Look up a community area or ZIP code, or draw a Personal Place, and open Property Finder. Then select the "2020 annual tax sale (in Nov. 2022)" radio button option and select the "Apply filters" button. 

screenshot of part of Property Finder

2. Address Snapshots for PIN-based lookups will identify the property as being included in the Annual Tax sale. Firstly, a label will appear in the table of contents. Secondly, the Property & Ownership info section will have information under the heading "2020 annual tax sale (in Nov. 2022)".

screenshot of parts of Address Snapshot