Property sales data updated through 2020 Q1

We've updated our "PTAX" dataset to show three more months of property transactions. This includes sales and transfers that are subject to the Real Estate Transfer Tax. With this addition, Chicago Cityscape now has 5.25 years of property transactions.

Look up any Address Snapshot in Cook County and we'll show you nearby transactions.

Look up any Place Snapshot in Cook County and we'll show you (nearly) all of the transactions that took place within that area.

Map of property transactions in East Pilsen


These statistics consider only those transactions with a full consideration of greater than $1.

According to our analysis of the new data, there were 17,759 transactions recorded in Cook County in the first quarter of 2020. Of these, 49.8 percent were in Chicago. This lines up with the average number of Cook County transactions in Chicago, at 51.2 percent. 

Looking at rolling 4 quarter periods, there was an increase of 0.31 percent in transactions in Chicago in 2019 Q2 through 2020 Q1 over transactions in 2019 Q1 through 2019 Q4. 

chart showing property transactions subject to RETT in Illinois, Cook County, and Chicago