Community development corporations, real estate brokers, and people looking for developable property use our Amenities & Social infrastructure database to see what's nearby as well as what's not nearby.
Today we updated our Amenities & Social infrastructure database to count pharmacies as part of the summary of essential community amenities within a one-mile walk, and we include more grocery stores.
Department stores with grocery departments have been added to the database. This includes Target and Walmart stores, which were not always included in the database and thus never counted as grocery stores. With a little tweak, Target and Walmart stores with grocery departments are now shown.
Previously, pharmacies were included in the map and data table but they were not counted in the summary of which community assets were within a one-mile walk of the Property Report a user looked up. Now they are!
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If you can edit directly in OpenStreetMap, we invite you to do that. Otherwise, please use the red "contact us" button to tell us...
- where a new community asset or business has opened and needs to be added to the map
- where a business or community asset has shuttered and needs to be removed from the map