AI Sentiment-based CX Workflows: Smarter, Faster Customer CX Management

Introducing Sentiment-Based Workflows—the ultimate game-changer in customer feedback management! Now, you can build powerful, automated workflows that harness AI-driven insights like sentiment, emotion, intent, and urgency detection to completely transform how your team responds to feedback. Say goodbye to slow responses and missed opportunities—these workflows empower you to act faster, smarter, and more effectively.

What makes Sentiment-Based Workflows so powerful?

With Sentiment-Based CX Workflows, you get to create custom, automated workflows that leverage the power of AI insights without the need for complex setup. Whether you're dealing with negative feedback that needs immediate attention or positive responses ready to fuel your advocacy programs, these workflows do the heavy lifting—saving your team time while ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Key Features and Real-World Use Cases

  1. Stop Churn in its Tracks
    Automatically prioritize negative feedback and route it for immediate action using sentiment and emotion detection.

  2. Turn Happy Customers into Advocates
    Trigger loyalty offers and testimonial requests automatically from positive feedback.

  3. Send Feedback to the Right Teams Instantly
    Route feedback based on AI-detected intent, ensuring it goes to the correct department—whether it’s a complaint, suggestion, or praise.

  4. Prioritize Urgent Feedback
    Set up workflows that categorize and prioritize high-urgency feedback, ensuring immediate action.

  5. Automate Tasks, Notifications, and Follow-Ups
    Ensure every feedback item is addressed by automating tasks and setting up notifications.

Why you’ll Love Sentiment-Based Workflows

  • Automated Churn Prevention: Negative feedback is flagged and handled before it becomes a bigger problem.
  • Faster Advocacy Building: Positive feedback leads to automated offers and testimonial requests, turning customers into promoters.
  • Smart Feedback Routing: No more manually sifting through feedback—automatically direct issues to the right teams.
  • Real-Time Issue Resolution: Urgent matters are prioritized and solved faster than ever before.
  • Effortless Task Management: Automatically create tasks and alerts, keeping your team focused and responsive.

Get Started Now!

With Sentiment-Based Workflows, managing customer feedback has never been easier or more effective. Build custom workflows that automatically prioritize, route, and respond to feedback in real-time. Start boosting your customer satisfaction today—reach out to activate this feature and see the difference it makes!

Mobile Exit Intent Surveys now available in mobile

The Mobile Exit Intent feature allows businesses to trigger surveys when users show intent to exit a mobile browser, capturing crucial feedback before they leave. This new functionality helps you gather insights at the moment users are about to abandon your mobile site, providing a key opportunity to understand their behavior and address any issues.

How Mobile Exit Intent works

By detecting common exit signals on mobile devices, such as:

  • Clicking the back button on the browser,
  • Scrolling up to reveal the bottom browser bar, or
  • Switching tabs or opening a new one,

the feature triggers a feedback survey, giving users a chance to share their thoughts before exiting.

Why it matters

Capturing feedback just before users leave your mobile site helps you:

  • Increase response rates by targeting users at a pivotal moment.
  • Gain insights into exit behavior to identify and resolve pain points.
  • Improve the overall user experience by understanding why visitors leave.

Platform Compatibility

This feature is supported on iOS and Android, across major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Some popular use cases that are ideal for using Exit Intent feature on mobile surveys. 

  • E-commerce: Gather feedback on cart abandonment.
  • Content-based websites: Learn why users are leaving without engaging.
  • Service websites: Identify issues that cause visitors to exit before conversion.

Start leveraging Mobile Exit Intent Surveys to capture user feedback at the perfect moment.

Introducing React Native In-App SDK

We are super excited to announce our React Native In-App SDK.

Our React Native SDK is super easy to use and works with iOS and Android apps developed using React Native for mobile and tablet alike. 

Key Highlights

  • One-time installation and requires minimal development time with clear documentation.
  • Create and edit surveys from within the Zonka Feedback web platform.
  • Use at different trigger points such as, the click of a button or change of screen.
  • Choice of creating surveys with NPS, CSAT, and CES questions and more.
  • Identify users with details such as user Id, name, or email address.
  • Ability to pass additional details such as device information and app-specific information to understand the context of the response.

Check out the React Native SDK here.

Introducing Display Logic: Smarter, More Relevant Surveys

We’ve introduced Display Logic to enhance how questions are presented in your surveys, ensuring that respondents only see questions relevant to them based on their previous answers.

Using Display Logic in your surveys has many benefits. 

  • Conditional Question Display: With Display Logic, you can set specific conditions that trigger questions to appear based on respondents’ answers to earlier questions. This allows for more personalized, dynamic surveys.
  • Streamlined Experience: Respondents will only see questions that matter to them, leading to less survey fatigue and more accurate responses.
  • Simplified Survey Setup: By focusing on Display Logic, we’ve eliminated the need for complex Hide Logic, making survey creation more intuitive and reducing setup time.

How you can use Display Logic in your surveys: 

  • Display questions based on customer rating 
  • Display questions based on services availed by the customers 

Try it out in your surveys! 

Integration with MS Teams: Elevate Feedback in Your Teams Environment

We are excited to announce a much-awaited update for Zonka Feedback users – Integration with Microsoft Teams! Now, you can effortlessly manage employee and customer feedback directly within your Teams environment. This feature brings a host of capabilities, including sending surveys, answering them in Teams, setting up automated alerts, and configuring workflows for a more streamlined feedback process.

Here's everything you can do with MS Teams and Zonka Feedback together: 

  • Send Surveys in Microsoft Teams: Distribute Zonka surveys to teams, channels, or individuals within Microsoft Teams. Measure employee pulse, daily check-ins, employee satisfaction and more. Run quizzes, and polls and seek feedback right within MS Teams. 
  • Answer Surveys within Teams: Team members can conveniently take surveys right within the Teams platform.
  • Automated Alerts and Workflows: Set up notifications for new or low survey responses, and configure condition-based workflows for timely actions.
  • Close the Feedback Loop: Ensure real-time alerts reach the right stakeholders, facilitating prompt issue resolution and continuous improvement.

Learn more about Zonka Feedback's integration with MS Teams

Introducing Okta Single Sign-On for Zonka Feedback

We are thrilled to announce that starting today, you can streamline your access and security with the integration of Okta Single Sign-On (SSO) into our platform.

What does this mean for you?

Seamless Authentication: With Okta SSO, you and your team can now log in to Zonka Feedback using your Okta credentials. Say goodbye to the hassle of remembering multiple passwords.

Enhanced Security: Okta is renowned for its robust security features. By integrating SSO, you can ensure that your Zonka Feedback account is protected with the highest level of authentication and access control.

Centralized User Management: Administrators can easily manage user access and permissions from the Okta dashboard, ensuring that the right people have the right level of access to your feedback data.

Learn more on how to setup Okta SSO for your account here

Target Multiple Pages with Web Widgets

While taking feedback on websites, in-product and in-app, it’s very crucial to show the surveys on the right pages. 

You can now add multiple target links and pages when launching web widgets like a side tab feedback button, popup surveys, slide up and bottom bar. Once you set this, the widgets will automatically launch on the targeted pages. You don't need to update the JS Code on the website. 

This gives you greater flexibility to control where your visitors and users view the survey making your surveys very relevant. 

Introducing sign-up and login with Google and Microsoft

We now have options to create an account and log in with Google and Microsoft. This provides a seamless, secure, and fast way to create an account and log in to your account. 

Don't worry; your existing account will remain intact, and you can continue using it as before. The Google and Microsoft login options are simply additional ways to make your experience even more convenient.

View the context of Widget and SDK Responses

When you're taking Website and In-App feedback, knowing the context of feedback like which page the feedback was given on, the page title, and the domain becomes very useful and in a lot of cases, is very crucial. 

So, we have done a significant enhancement to our widget and in-app SDK where you can gain deeper insights into user interactions through the inclusion of context information. This context includes valuable details such as URL, Path and Domain. With this new feature, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and engagement.

🔍 Context Information for Widgets: To provide you with richer insights, we have expanded the data captured by our widgets. The following context information is now available:

  1. URL: Know the exact web address where the widget was displayed, allowing you to understand user behavior within different web pages or sections of your website.
  2. Path: Dive deeper into user journeys by examining the specific page or route within the URL where the widget was encountered. Gain insights into how users navigate your website and where they interact with your widgets the most.
  3. Domain: Understand the originating domain where the widget was loaded. This information is particularly valuable if you have multiple domains or subdomains and want to analyze widget performance across different web properties.

📊  Context Information for In-App SDK: The following context information is now available:

  1. Screen Name: For our In-App SDK users, we've introduced the Screen Name parameter, which captures the specific screen or view where the responder has given the response.

Introducing Location-Based Redirection Logic: Enhance Customer Engagement and Drive Reviews!

Are you a location-based or franchise-based business with a geographically dispersed customer base? Do you want to direct your customers to location-specific web pages or review pages after they complete a satisfaction survey? We have great news for you! We are thrilled to introduce our new feature: Location-Based Redirection Logic.

With Location-Based Redirections, you now can set up redirect links based on the location respondents choose when starting the survey or the location you've passed with the survey. This powerful tool allows you to guide your customers to location-specific links, such as Google review pages, that are relevant to their chosen location. The benefits for location-based or franchise businesses are immense!

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