Introducing React Native In-App SDK

We are super excited to announce our React Native In-App SDK.

Our React Native SDK is super easy to use and works with iOS and Android apps developed using React Native for mobile and tablet alike. 

Key Highlights

  • One-time installation and requires minimal development time with clear documentation.
  • Create and edit surveys from within the Zonka Feedback web platform.
  • Use at different trigger points such as, the click of a button or change of screen.
  • Choice of creating surveys with NPS, CSAT, and CES questions and more.
  • Identify users with details such as user Id, name, or email address.
  • Ability to pass additional details such as device information and app-specific information to understand the context of the response.

Check out the React Native SDK here.

Integration with MS Teams: Elevate Feedback in Your Teams Environment

We are excited to announce a much-awaited update for Zonka Feedback users – Integration with Microsoft Teams! Now, you can effortlessly manage employee and customer feedback directly within your Teams environment. This feature brings a host of capabilities, including sending surveys, answering them in Teams, setting up automated alerts, and configuring workflows for a more streamlined feedback process.

Here's everything you can do with MS Teams and Zonka Feedback together: 

  • Send Surveys in Microsoft Teams: Distribute Zonka surveys to teams, channels, or individuals within Microsoft Teams. Measure employee pulse, daily check-ins, employee satisfaction and more. Run quizzes, and polls and seek feedback right within MS Teams. 
  • Answer Surveys within Teams: Team members can conveniently take surveys right within the Teams platform.
  • Automated Alerts and Workflows: Set up notifications for new or low survey responses, and configure condition-based workflows for timely actions.
  • Close the Feedback Loop: Ensure real-time alerts reach the right stakeholders, facilitating prompt issue resolution and continuous improvement.

Learn more about Zonka Feedback's integration with MS Teams

Introducing Okta Single Sign-On for Zonka Feedback

We are thrilled to announce that starting today, you can streamline your access and security with the integration of Okta Single Sign-On (SSO) into our platform.

What does this mean for you?

Seamless Authentication: With Okta SSO, you and your team can now log in to Zonka Feedback using your Okta credentials. Say goodbye to the hassle of remembering multiple passwords.

Enhanced Security: Okta is renowned for its robust security features. By integrating SSO, you can ensure that your Zonka Feedback account is protected with the highest level of authentication and access control.

Centralized User Management: Administrators can easily manage user access and permissions from the Okta dashboard, ensuring that the right people have the right level of access to your feedback data.

Learn more on how to setup Okta SSO for your account here

Target Multiple Pages with Web Widgets

While taking feedback on websites, in-product and in-app, it’s very crucial to show the surveys on the right pages. 

You can now add multiple target links and pages when launching web widgets like a side tab feedback button, popup surveys, slide up and bottom bar. Once you set this, the widgets will automatically launch on the targeted pages. You don't need to update the JS Code on the website. 

This gives you greater flexibility to control where your visitors and users view the survey making your surveys very relevant. 

Introducing sign-up and login with Google and Microsoft

We now have options to create an account and log in with Google and Microsoft. This provides a seamless, secure, and fast way to create an account and log in to your account. 

Don't worry; your existing account will remain intact, and you can continue using it as before. The Google and Microsoft login options are simply additional ways to make your experience even more convenient.

Link Survey & Web Embeds now moved to a new Distribution Tab

Link Surveys, QR Code Surveys and Web Embed Surveys now have a new home. You can find them in the 'Link' tab in the Survey Distribution section. While all web widgets continue to exist in the 'Web' distribution tab. 

We were made aware through customer feedback and queries, that it wasn't the easiest to find Link and Web Embed options when they were placed in the Web Widgets tab. And therefore decided to give you an easier way to find and start using Link and Embed Surveys. 

View the context of Widget and SDK Responses

When you're taking Website and In-App feedback, knowing the context of feedback like which page the feedback was given on, the page title, and the domain becomes very useful and in a lot of cases, is very crucial. 

So, we have done a significant enhancement to our widget and in-app SDK where you can gain deeper insights into user interactions through the inclusion of context information. This context includes valuable details such as URL, Path and Domain. With this new feature, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and engagement.

🔍 Context Information for Widgets: To provide you with richer insights, we have expanded the data captured by our widgets. The following context information is now available:

  1. URL: Know the exact web address where the widget was displayed, allowing you to understand user behavior within different web pages or sections of your website.
  2. Path: Dive deeper into user journeys by examining the specific page or route within the URL where the widget was encountered. Gain insights into how users navigate your website and where they interact with your widgets the most.
  3. Domain: Understand the originating domain where the widget was loaded. This information is particularly valuable if you have multiple domains or subdomains and want to analyze widget performance across different web properties.

📊  Context Information for In-App SDK: The following context information is now available:

  1. Screen Name: For our In-App SDK users, we've introduced the Screen Name parameter, which captures the specific screen or view where the responder has given the response.

A new look for Survey Responses

Survey Responses are one of the most viewed at Zonka Feedback, only second to Reports. And with all the growing options and information, we decided to give it a makeover. Both to make it look better and to organize the information better for easy access and viewing. 

The new Survey Response page now has two sections - on the left, you can view the Survey Response in detail along with Contact Information and CX Metrics and on the right, you can view Contact details, Channel information, Tasks, Notes, and Activities. 

The redesigned Survey Response page now is sleek, and intuitive and ensures that you're able to view all relevant information very consiely and clearly. 

Take a look and let us know your feedback. 

Now view Hidden Variables for Partial Feedback

Until now, when viewing partial feedback in your Response Inbox, hidden variables and survey variables were not available. But now you can view hidden, survey and contact variables for Partial Responses, just as you can for completed responses. 

This means you can also filter Partial Survey Responses by any variables. 

This works with all of the methods of passing variables, including query strings, uploading CSV and sending emails or SMS or using Public APIs to send emails or SMS.

(This would be available only for Partial Responses submitted after June 30) 

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